Just thought i'd say HI,while I was flying by!Be sure to stop by my page and FAN me, RATE me,Comment on my pic's.If you would like to learn more about me, come check me out!
Hi and welcome to Fubar.I know when you are new it can be a bit confusing, Like why are all these weirdo's greeting me? LOL !well on fubar you get points for doing that, also for rating photos and people, for posting comments.You also get points for uploading photo's and a lot of other things.Like inviting your friends and family to join.Some people are here for Chat, some are here because they want to make new friends.and like anything else some people are just bored or acting like jerks.There is a lounge for new members where you can get answers to your questions.and there is a help link at the top of the screen, the people who's names are orangeare bouncers and can help you most of the time.If you want to update your profile the place at the top of the screen that says MY will allow youto upload photo's or change your profile settings and to update your profile information.I hope you will enjoy fubar and I am glad you joined us,Have a great day,Dave AKA Senile Coot :)