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A Baby for me to borrow
A brief moment in time
I got to hold and squeeze you
Press your heart to mine
The Love I feel for you Lanae
is forever in my heart
Two months we got to keep you
Your twin brother by your side
Living never knowing
What life had in store for us
Now I know that nothing
could possibbly hurt more
I woke to hear crying, hunger yes indeed
I rose to feed your brother and found
you couldn't breathe.
For on that fateful day an angel God did need
Early in the morning, you were called to leave
To rise above to heaven to love us from afar
Just knowing you are watching is comfort
The loss of you Lanae has changed me from within
I have a hurt to carry, inside my soul for life
Missing, wishing, wanting to hold you
yearning for the things, that just are not to be
A giggle, a laugh, a bold outcry,
A child running to me arms open wide
A crush, a dance as time goes bye
I can't help but to wonder how things could be
If only God was not in need of an angel by his side.