Welcome to My DisneylandMyspace CodesGet More at COMMENTYOU.comThis may be my land, but its far from being Disneyland. You won't find a castle full of Wimpy Princess, or any Men in tights. This is real life, & I'm totally living it. In all actuallity I'm the Modern Day Disney Princess. You won't find any Little mice running around trying to make me happy. I have 3 children for that Pleasure, & I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Who needs a Pumpkin for a Carriage. That's what my Hyundai is for. I do not have 3 Evil Step-sisters to make my living Hell. That's What my Ex's did. I don't have a Fairy God-Mother, but if I did I'd Slap the Hell out of her for this...lol. I do not live in an Enchanted Castle, because if that was true then it would clean itself. I do not live underwater, but there are those times when I feel I can't breath. I don't have a Tiger to protect me from all Harm. That's what my Personal Walls are for. I don't have a Genji, because if I did then he really Fucked up my Wishes. I don't have a flying carpet to take me anywhere that I want to go. That's why I Dream. I do not sing and dance, instead I run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Between my own children, and the classes that I take to improve myself its no wonderland. However it's the Prince Charming that isn't so charming. I really do not believe in Fairy Tales anymore, but I do believe that there should be some measure of happiness to make people complete. I tend 2 be layed back whenever I have the chance. Relaxing is something that is very rare 4 me. I love 2 go out, & have a good time. That doesn't mean that I want 2 go out 2 a bar, & set there & do nothing while the person that I'm plays pool, & ignores me all nite. I'm a very confident woman, & trust me I don't need any1 2 take care me, or my kids. Always understand that my kids come b4 any1, & every1, & that even includes me....lol. Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.comI totally love being a stay home mom, & sometimes I 4get what actual adult conversation can actually exist. I have made a lot friends on the net, & if it wasn't 4 them I think I would have went nuts a long time ago. I tend 2 be laid back whenever I have the chance. Relaxing is something that is very rare 4 me. I love 2 go out, & have a good time. That doesn't mean that I want 2 go out 2 a bar, & set there & do nothing while the person that I'm plays pool, & ignores me all night. I'm a very confident woman, & trust me I don't need any1 2 take care me, or my kids. Always understand that my kids come b4 any1, & every1, & that even includes me....lol. The best Quaote that I've ever heard in my life was from Yua Man on Survivor Fiji: " Love every1, Trust few, & Hurt no1 ". Now those r truely the best words I've ever heard come from some1 that gave away a million $$$$$.....LMAO I do not expect perfection, but I do expect Honesty, Compassion, Respect, and the willingness to try new things. I do not want to be around anyone that thinks that they are better then me in anyway. I am looking for friends that knows how to treat a friend. You must have an awesome sense of humor, because I really do love to laugh. I do not want someone that rushes into things without thinking. Patience is a valued treasure that can could lead to some really great relationships. I have been through enough in my life to waste my time on Fakes, & Fonies. I want to raise 3 people that well take no crap off anyone, & the best way for them to learn that is watching me take no crap from anyone myself. I do not judge people for who they are, but I do judge people by their actions. I hate users, & abusers so if I feel that there is something not right about someone I tend to follow my gut, & go the other way.I try not to be to Judgemental about people. After all if you Prejudge someone before you really get to know Them then you might Miss Out on one of the Greatest Friendships of your Life. I'll be the Last Person you see Throwing Stones at anyone for Their Conviction. Think about it if I start Throwing Stones at anyone I Better be prepared to Duck a Few Stones Thrown my Direction. Meet first, Talk &, after its all said & done Judge them after you get to know them. Prejudgement is 20th Century. I have Much Respect for anyone that Stands up for Their Beliefs. Afterall I wouldn't want to know someone that Doesn't have a Spine. I Respect Everyone's Life style as You have Respect for mine. I don't try to Push the way I live on anyone because, I wouldn't want them Pushing Their's onto me. I am NOT the kind of Woman that well be Knocked around, Pushed around, Walked On, Unappricated, Unvalued, Tortured &, Tormented in Anyway by Anyone. I am NOT the kind of Woman that can be Owned or Possed. Back this Cat into a Corner &, I'll come out Claws Flying all over the place. Some of my Ex's tend to say that I'm Every Man's Fantasy &, also their Worest Nightmare. Truth be told I've been Screwed around by Men More then Enough in my Life. Don't think that just because you Know me you Know everything about me. There some Parts of my Life that I keep all to myself. It's nothing bad just to painful to Remember. I can be a Bit of a Bitch but, then again who can't?? Anyway Please Don't Rate Me Until you get to Know Me. Afterall if you Judge Me first How do you know that got it Right??? If Lady Tymyon were a drink they would be: 3 parts passionate1 parts crazy2 parts kindness Get Your RECIPE Here! 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