38 Year Old
From Duncan, OK·
Joined on May 22, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on August 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
38 Year Old
From Duncan, OK·
Joined on May 22, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on August 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I am a 20/f/WA going to school for my GED and going to get a certificate to be a construction flagger. I also have a beautiful daughter who is my life and my baby brother who means the world to me.
38 Year Old
From Duncan, OK·
Joined on May 22, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on August 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Count Your FriendsIt is not wise to count your friendson a bright sunny day.When the sky is blueand smiles come so easliy. Instead wait for a storm,when the clouds are dark and the day grows cold.Laughter is not heardin your heavy heart.Then when a friend comesand stands beside youand lifts your spirits to the skyand laughter is in your heart,he or she deserves the name..."FRIEND"Thank you, my Friend,for braving the storms with meand for making the sunny daysso much brighter.
Please have a wonderful week hunHuggies always, Debbie
OK - I'VE BEEN HIT - NOW YOU HAVE BEEN TOO SO YOU GOTTA PLAY!""""^^^^^^^^^^^^| || SEXY TRUCK | '|""";.., __.|_..._...______===|==|__|..., ] |"(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )*****(@YOU'VE BEEN HIT! YOU'VE BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF THE SEXIEST ON FUBAR! ONCE YOU'VE BEEN HIT U HAVE TO HIT THE SEXIEST PEOPLE. IF U GET HIT AGAIN U KNOW THAT U R REALLY SEXY. IF U BREAK THE CHAIN U HAVE UGLINESS FOR 15 YEARS ..........SO HIT 15 SEXY PEOPLE AND LET THEM KNOW THEY R SEXYSEND THIS TO ALL THE PPL THAT U THINK ARE SEXI-IF U GOT 1 BACK THEN U ARE UGLY PPL JUST SENT U THIS TO BE NICE-IF U GOT 2 BACK UR BETTER THAN UGLY-IF U GET 3 BACK UR OKAY-IF U GET 4 BACK THEN U ARE PRETTY-IF U GET 5 BACK THEN U ARE FREAKIN SEXI-AND IF YOU GET MORE THAN THAT EVERYBODY THINKS YOU'RE FUCKIN FINESend this to all ur sexii friends.Including person who sent it to u....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy.?.....?SeXy?......?SeXy?...........?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.........?SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?.....?SeXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?..S?eXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?SeXy??.......?SeXy?......?SeXy?......?SeXy?IF YOU GET THIS BACK:1 UR NOT THAT SEXY2-3 UR SO SEXY4-6 OMG TOTAL SEXY BABE 2 hr ago 1 min ago
If we opened our minds to enjoyment, we might find tranquil pleasures spread about us on every side. We might live with the angels that visit us on every sunbeam,and sit with the fairies who wait on every flowerHave a nice week hun ) Huggies, Debbie
Garden of FriendshipFriends are like flowerseach unique in their own way,put them all togetherwhat a wonderful bouquet. Some are really brilliantfull of light sharp and clear,while other are more subduedto both you can adhere.You are a flower in my gardenthat makes up my bouquet,my friends you all makea very impressive display.Woohoo its Friday!!! & Have a fantastic weekend hun :)ps... Please please read my last blogso u dont wonder about me or think Ihave forgotten u.
A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains & found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, & the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone & asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman."I've been thinking," he said,"I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone." Good morning hun, Im just stoppingby to send ya a lil loves & wish u a fantastic day :)huggies, Debbie