43 Year Old
Invited by:
odie cracked
Joined on June 28, 2007
Born on March 5th
1 referrals joined!
My girls, Family, Friends, Education, Ancient History/Art/Civilizations, Astronomy, Reading, Writing, Taggin, Workin Out, Biking, Joggin, Walkin round Peg city, Robot Chicken, Cart0ons r GREAT!!! Music, Jammin out while cleanin, Singin n dancing while alone....The environment, Outdoors, The bush, Fishin n campin, mah sisters quad n skiidoo, peircings, tatties, basically everything n neything within limits
Three Days Grace, Theory of a Deadman, SilverChair, Nirvana, Creed, Disturbed, Drowning pool, System of a Down, u know...all the good shit....i basically listen to nething except country.....
Kung Fu Hustle, House of a Thousand Corpses, DEVILS REJECTS, all the shreks, Fantastic Four 1 n 2, Hostle, Scarey Movies, OMG u know what...imma stop cuz i could prolly go on n on...ooo wait but i gotta mention Grandmas Boy, Goodfellas, n the first FRIDAY, Jack Ass 1 n 2 but yea kay u get the pic
Video Games
all the 007's God of War 1-2 Grand Theft Autos, Grand Turismo 4, n a bunch more