Since when did we move to Mexico. Boy, if that ain't discrimination!!!! Someone told me the other day who owns a business and is in the commercial loop that all the illegal beaners around here are working under the table for $4.00 an hour and then sending the money to Mexico. That's why they need to pile up in the house to pay the bills here. You know that the employer is not paying Taxes, workmens comp or anything on these under the table wages!!!
So for all you White Americans who get No Tax breaks. Can't live off welfare and are now getting discriminated against in our own country -- You had better stand up now!!!! W/ a No Tolerance level!!! The more we just sit here and let it happen the WORSE it's going to get.
Now that we are the minority and get NO HELP -- our kids are going hungry and our homes are being lost!!! This is BULL SH%#!