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killamo 187 H8 CLUB MEMBER's blog: "KM Q&A"

created on 02/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/km-q-a/b55526
tn_323940174.jpg listen. i really need this to help me promote what is going to be pretty much my lifes work. so please help me.. tn_323940174.jpg
Juggulator : killer its been a while Killa-mo 187: killa or KM and yea Juggulator: so what have been working on Killa-mo 187: i been working on my upcoming album, working on EOT, signed a new artist, and just kicking back really. Juggulator: whats the new album called Killa-mo 187: A Cold Day In Hell Juggulator: any story behinde it Killa-mo 187: yes there is. Juggulator: tell Killa-mo 187: orinigaly it was titled Armageddon: Tha Devilz Pulpit. than alot of things happend all at once. i got dumped for the umteenth time, we started on a downward spiral money wise and was fighting with friends over things, and than on good friday i wounded up being dead in a way, deleted my youtube and myspace page, and just decided to quit Juggulator: wow Killa-mo 187: yea Killa-mo 187: so for 2 days thats waht happend than on easter sunday outta nowhere i blacked out and when i came outta it. a song was completed and a new myspace page was up Juggulator: wow Killa-mo 187: yes sir. the song completed was called dead 2 life. you can download it now at my website Juggulator: now you said you have a beef with Boondox becaues of the what you red in a interview that said he hates rap but did you ever think many the intervew ws taken out context edited cut some way to him look like a bad guy? Killa-mo 187: don't know don't care. all i know is it was said and i am very pissed off about it. if you're in hip hop and hate it. that makes you a scumbag. which is what he is to me right now. u're in it to love it not to hate it. ego's do show up but ego's should not take over Juggulator: let say you did a interview and someone eited and stuff and said you hate rap not only that that your really juggalo matter fact also you hate juggalos and icp and some juggalo read that and tells everybody killa is fake im going kick ass and you got a hloe bruch of juggalo ready beat ass not only that you loss fans and psy reads that and they want to beef with you just put your self in his shoes wouldnt want someone get hole story instead on jumping on there nuts and just hateding Killa-mo 187: i'd find that person and beat their ass Juggulator9: there you go so maybe you should wait and get story b4 you started hateing on him becaues i asked some who works with him and he said not ture Killa-mo 187: to be honest i don't even think he's real. Juggulator: who Killa-mo 187: boondox. if you claim the countryside and sticks and shit u don't got .. or anything. u rap about how it's like growing up there being poor and shit. like a ghetto rapper raps about the hard times in the hood, just like a trailer park rapper raps about barely making rent payment and shit. i ain't heard anything from him at all. all i hear from him is one word and ima spell it...g-i-m-m-i-c-k. Juggulator: so evn if he didnt staye that jut dont like gimmck Killa-mo 187: it's something violent j gave him. boondox is a charecter Juggulator: well moveing on let talk this new guy you singed Killa-mo 187: he's not a new guy. he's a major vet. he's been around for a minute or 2 in the rap biz. u've heard him back on Toxxic Radio and WPAJ. Novakain The Scorpion. Juggulator: speaking about that do miss djing Killa-mo 187: no i don't Juggulator: was it fun at 1st Killa-mo 187: it's something that never worked. i originaly tried it when i was just starting back in 2003 as a way to show that i was around. it's been 5 years since the first time anyones heard i have no remorse. i do feel blessed that sorg gave me a chance to get myself known Juggulator: you made a lot frends djing one of fave djs there was fattoney who has to be seen or herad from Killa-mo 187: thats a question you should throw at sorg man. but i talked to him about 2 years ago. he was doing fine. was enjoying fatherhood Juggulator: now toixc radio and wapj is no longer up well site is but radio no rigth Killa-mo 187: WPAJ is still around but in podcast form.u got missfits advice hour, the wrestling mayham show, and the w-torture podcast are the podcasts that have spawned from there Juggulator: now if psy asked killa how you like to be part of hachet houes would you sign Killa-mo 187: hell no Juggulator: why not sounds a cool deal Killa-mo 187: loss of control is not cool Juggulator: so you have to llok over ton contact b4 anything gets singed Killa-mo 187: thats right but some people now in days just sign. thats why most of them ain't around no more Juggulator: so when are we going see a muisv video from you Killa-mo 187: this summer u'll see a REAL music video. sometime next month i'll be shooting Close 2 Me in Petoskey Michigan Juggulator: if you cold pick anybody from psy to do a song with who would it be Killa-mo 187: to be honest it'd be monoxide cuz me and him both love tupac. and i'd love to cover lost souls for him. Juggulator: would you like see amb back in the hachet Killa-mo 187: i'd love it cuz they're real cool guys but i don't see it happening Juggulator: you said it was a race thing that why they didnt last rigth Killa-mo 187: thats right which i am not suprised seeing shaggy 2 dopes from cadilac michigan which is a 100% KKK town. i'll say it like this about cadilac..for example. if you were to walk there they'd call u every racal slurr in the book for mexicans Juggulator: who pulled the race card in psy Killa-mo 187: that i don't know. and i don't wanna cause no beef so ima be quiet about that for now Juggulator: would you like mike clark working with your cd Killa-mo 187: mike clark is a cool dude but i can't afford him. he's a legend in rock and rap. the boy came up with george clinton for gods sakes Juggulator: what happend to his show w fuck off radio Killa-mo 187: dk. don't wanna talk about psy Juggulator: would you lie to do a show at the gathing Killa-mo 187: i had a petition up but it didn't go thru. not suprised. i am the most blackballed white rapper in michigan Juggulator: why Killa-mo 187: my shits 2 vulger for radio no matter how much i take the time to edit every single bad word and explicit content. it's still 2 vulger. Juggulator: so you like icp back in the day or emienm Killa-mo 187: back in the day i was heavy into rap. my libary will make KRS ONE cry in joy. Juggulator: would like to do a song with emienm Killa-mo 187: it'd be big but i don't see that happening. Juggulator: so whos going be the next cd Killa-mo 187: Mortality Tha Angel Of Death, Novakain The Scorpion, BCK, J.E, HALUSiN8, Crap, Playa Rabbit, and a local metal band called Nitefall. Juggulator: hows your love life Killa-mo 187: thats another story Juggulator: tell Killa-mo 187: u got it than. in november i got with a girl i been friends with for along time. things were good till she decided to take my route and stop drinking and drugs. than outta nowhere she decides she can't handle my shit. which sucks cuz i love the girl. it's one of the bad signs of hip hop. ur love life goes bye bye...but to answer the love life. i don't got one and if any ladies read this..Km is single. Juggulator: you been with a lot of girls Killa-mo 187: not really. i've only been with maybe 1 girl. thats all. yea i am clean. and can back that up so those who wanna make rumers up and shit about rappers and shit. listen to rumerz and u'll see different Juggulator: you still liveing at home Killa-mo 187: unfortently. but it's better now Juggulator9: are you thinging about movin out soon Killa-mo 187: to be honest i like the home feeling. just like POD i enjoy living at home Juggulator: hows your mom heath Killa-mo 187: she's doing fine. Juggulator: your heath Killa-mo 187: please to say i went from 330 to 284 in a year. and it's getting lower..FUCK A LAPBAND OR GASTRIC BYPASS! Juggulator: do you belive in a higer power Killa-mo 187: but looking at things now in the world i don't know what to belive. yea i do belive in god but i just don't know what to belive anymore. some people say they're on a war for god, some are merrying and fucking 12 year old girls in gods name, i don't know what to think anymore Juggulator: you said that one time tryed to lill self but then you eaked up in your bed but the wred thing was no was home Killa-mo 187: but looking at things now in the world i don't know what to belive. yea i do belive in god but i just don't know what to belive anymore. some people say they're on a war for god, some are merrying and fucking 12 year old girls in gods name, i don't know what to think anymore Juggulator: you said that one time tryed to lill self but then you eaked up in your bed but the wred thing was no was home was that only time you tryed to end it Killa-mo 187: yea Juggulator: now why were trying to kill ur self Killa-mo 187: i was just depressed at the time. it's a school thing. but it all involves a girl which if u think about it theres a circle there. Juggulator: How Did You Get Into Psychopathic What was the yr date mouth day cd/song who was the person that got you into to them what did your family think Killa-mo 187: 1994. a year after i first heard Esham didn't we mention this before? Juggulator: i forgot Killa-mo 187: ok. anyways. whats next sir? Juggulator: so you dont miss drinking or drugs Killa-mo 187: nope i do not. eversince u mentioned that in the first one i've been hitted up by former addicts telling me how inspiring that was for me to openly say that shit Juggulator: would you like to do a song with Esham Killa-mo 187: it might happen. u never know. then lamb chopz dropped i became an honerary member of reel life/gothom just for helping them make sure it didn't leak Juggulator: how you did that Killa-mo 187: not gonna mention the secerts Juggulator: all come on Killa-mo 187: if i revailed that secert than i'd be a snitch. all i can say is i talked to TJ about it and when i was with Open Source Radio i helped them get the bomb ass podcast on synication to that station. something nobody else was doing at the time Juggulator: who is this tj Killa-mo 187: TJ aka Acid Tounge he's the webmaster of gothom Juggulator: now didnt have a beef with some on acidrap.com Killa-mo 187: long ago. but thats done and over with. done the way of the dinosuar. he's no longer there thank god. Juggulator: what was ur beef with him for Killa-mo 187: long, contiplated story.. let's say any juggalo who wants to call me names better be kissing my ass for getting rid of him cuz this dude had "adolf hitler" dreams of you guys. Juggulator: let tal about this ninja that said ur a juggalo becaues u didnt tell him anything whats the story there Killa-mo 187: thats the story Juggulator: do you guys have a webstore Killa-mo 187: yes we do. just simply head to the Offical EOT Website and click on "shop o torture" we got shirts and cd's. Juggulator: any new cds coming out besides urs Killa-mo 187: as a matter of fact yes. besides a cold day in hell which drops july 15th. we got quite alot dropping this summer. care to wonder? Juggulator: ya Killa-mo 187: ok than. novakain's cd titled illumination is set to drop hopefuly sometime in june key word is hopefuly. than after my cd drops theres a side project which rose from the ashes of the KMTDC called Reservoir Dogz titled The Exposion. than an EOT DVD titled The Next than Mortality's new cd titled Revelationz 6:8. and thats not all. with A Cold Day In Hell ther'll be 2 versons. a normel verson u can buy at the Shop O Torture and one u can buy directly from me with an exclusive DVD Juggulator: wow Killa-mo 187: thats whats up there. Juggulator: whas the diff between the 2 vresons Killa-mo 187: nothing. one just comes from me and it's limited edition which means it's a major collectors item. Juggulator: same price Killa-mo 187: yes sir Juggulator: do u mind if ur shit is leaked Killa-mo 187: i got a lupol there. u gotta pay to download it online. the cd will availabe a week early on snocap for 99 cents a track how ya like them apples? Juggulator: damm Killa-mo 187: yeppers. the DVD does contain some new shit. 2 music videos. a live performace, a tour of my house, and an interview/documentry about my entire life. trust me. downloading this bad boy will not give it justice Juggulator: well thats all i have for now Killa-mo 187: mind if i give some shoutouts before u end this interview? Juggulator: ok Killa-mo 187: alright. first off i wanna give you a shoutout for giving me the chance to speak my mind with these no matter what kind of shit is asked, also wanna give a shoutout to EKX, HALUSiN8, MiStA_MeNaCe, My new friend Vicious Vamp, DJ SweetZ, Crap, Tyler, Sniper Mane, Proda-J, Rawdawg, Playa Rabbit, Dirty Red, Esham, Shine, Reapz, Mortality, Nova, my homeboy Wraith Klown, Everyone at Faygoluvers, Everyone at Killmusick, everyone at Fubar, all the fans who bump my shit. and of corse whoever reads this. also check out my offical website and check out my myspace thanks juggulator and peace out homie!

Ask Killa a Question.

simply e-mail Killa-mo 187 at biggkm18fn7@yahoo.com and he'll explain in his own wordz or just leave it here.
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