49 Year Old
From Hohenwald, TN·
Joined on February 20, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on December 28th
·20 referrals joined!
I am happily married. I am here to make friends only. I am not here to view your cam or naked pics. I love my wife and only her. I enjoy talking on the computer with intelligent people for friendships only.
49 Year Old
From Hohenwald, TN·
Joined on February 20, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on December 28th
·20 referrals joined!
Broadband (Hispeed) internet for everyone. Getting funding to start an broadband isp outside of town. Communicating with others on various subjects.
I like a variety of music.
Latest Status
Snookybear Ugh it is officially"Helloween". All the kids are sugared up. "Everybody run and hide"!!!!!!