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37 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Orly · Joined on July 27, 2007 · Born on March 4th
37 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Orly · Joined on July 27, 2007 · Born on March 4th

Hmmmmmm... Let's see here.

I may aswell just roll of a set of random facts about me, if you want to know more, just message me. :D

Alright, well, i'm a 22 year old gamer, who's not got a great deal of luck finding a job, loves to draw and to chat, and is a big anime junkie.

I'm a big romantic, and i love all those soppy little scenarios, be is a moonlit night shared with someone special or the proverbial 'walk in the park'. I'm the type of person who stops in the street and allows people to pass me on narrow walkways, and the type to hold a door for people.

I see myself as a gentleman most of the time, one of the few truly remaining in this country.
Which, by the way, is England! *cheers*

Also, a very important factor, that anyone should watch out for when getting to know me, is that i can be quite a horny person. I'll not force anything on anyone, but i may have to vanish sometimes. You have been warned!


37 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Orly · Joined on July 27, 2007 · Born on March 4th
Video Games
Being that i'm an avid gamer, i try to play everything, even if it sucks royally i'll probably play it atleast once.

I've played many videogames on many consoles through the years, stretching as far back at the oooooold commodore 64. Hehe, i can still remember the ghostbusters game for that.


I'm mostly into MMORPGS, however, i can be rather picky, as i love to play standard rpgs also, i've grown very used to the heavy story based elements involved with them.

If a game doesn't have a really good storyline to it, i'll more than likely get bored really fast with it.

Currently, the MMO titles i play are;

All Points Bulletin
Final Fantasy XI (midgardsormr server)
Sword of the New World, aka. Granado Espada,
Guild wars.
And various other free MMORPGS that i may play when they take my fancy.

I also play battlefield 2142, but not often.

And Lastly, i play Secondlife, if you don't know what it is, i suggest you try it, it is 100% free and you can create just about anything in it if you try hard enough.

It's got a bit of a learning curve to it, but if you explore, you'll find alot of places to get free items to make your avatar look ok until you can make some cash.



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