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55 Year Old · Male · From Baltimore, MD · Joined on January 13, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 25th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Hi my name is Kevin I'm a single never married guy. Looking to meet new people here and develop some friendships and meet cool people from all over.I like to flirt but I also don't flirt lightly. Gotta be something there for me to be that way. I'm here to have fun and enjoy the game. Making new friends is something I look forward to.I'll never post NSFW photos on my profile. Respect my privacy and I will respect yours. I'll accept any friend request will fan and rate you and help in anyway I can.So don't be shy at least say hi if you've stopped by.

I've been here now for about 10 months and I really enjoy the game and some of the great people I've met. I'm at a point though where I don't know what to do.In order to level on Fubar you eventually have to spend money something I really disagree with. It's insane what people spend on this game to win what is essentially an overblown popularity contest.I do a lot of button pushing and get a pretty good daily rank everyday but it takes time and work which is cool. It's fun seeing how high I can get.What's not fun having to spend $30 on a Cherry bomb bling just so I can level. Well I am a VIP I just can't afford to spend the kind of money required to play the game and win. It may sound like I'm whining but what I'm trying to point out is if enough people got together and complained maybe they would change some of theses requirements or let you buy SA bling with fubucks if it is a leveling requirement. Just my thoughts on the game and how it's played. A FYI for newbies and something for people who have been here awhile to think about. Thanks for reading this if you got this far.

Now more about me: I'm the romantic type and old fashioned hold the door pull out the chair as well. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm completely open about who I am.I conservative in politics but liberal in my judgement of other people. Meaning just because you don't believe the same as I do I'm not going to say your opinions don't count or have value.I love people and making new friends. Since I've gotten online 5 years ago I've met a ton of great people thru interacting online.

I've been thru a lot in my life I've been on disability for the last 8 years for back problems and other health issues. I miss working so much and I'm hoping to get back to work within the next year or so. I've been thru 8 surgeries in 8 years,3 of which were in the last year.I am currently rehabbing from the last one which was fusion in my low back.I'm hoping to start school in January to be a substance abuse counselor.I think it will be something I'll be good at and enjoy.

While it may seem I'm not in the best place in life in fact I'm not at all unhappy with the time I've had off. Gave me time to think about what I really wanted in life and how to get there.I worked 60-80 hr weeks when I worked missed a lot of family things. Lost time that I can never get back. Something I never plan on doing again. I never had time to meet the right woman back then but now that I do have time it's hard to meet them in my situation. I've got a ton to offer someone love ,loyalty,respect,old fashioned values and a never quit attitude.I don't really believe in divorce so if I marry its going to be forever.Yeah I'm kind of picky too but this is rest of my life I'd be committing to.I think everyone should be picky.Life is too short to do otherwise.
Finally i like to put this out there as I have already expirenced this on the site here and many other places online. If you are a cam model,scammer from africa,looking for my vote on your link kindly pass me by as I will not fall for your act.I learned the hard way and I don't need my time wasted.

Also please do not rip my skins or pics they were either taken by me and of me and/or created for me. I do not authorize anyone to use my stuff for anything.You want something ask me please.



55 Year Old · Male · From Baltimore, MD · Joined on January 13, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 25th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
I enjoy reading,being online,watching sports, and spending time with my family.Some of my favorite authors are Anne Rice, Tom Clancy,John Grisham,Laurel K Hamilton.I'm a big Star Trek fan especially the original series and the shows that followed.Not so fond of the reboot by JJ Abrams.I also like to read about history was my favorite subject in school.It amazes me how many times civilization has made the same mistakes again and again but on a larger scale each time.No matter what you believe in how we got here you have to agree we ate a hard headed bunch.Maybe we'll learn before we blow up,poison,or in some other way cause our own extinction.
I like all kinds of music from classical to heavy metal.I'm a huge Meatloaf fan though I've never seen him in concert.I also like Aerosmith,Madonna,Bon Jovi,Chicago,Air Supply and too many others to mention.
Hmmn movies I like so many all the Star Trek ones,Forest Gump,Titantic,Hunt for Red October,Fast and Furious all of them,old westerns with John Wayne
I have to say dont really have one except for my Parents.Lots of famous people i respect but no one comes close to my Parents.
Video Games
I dont play much anymore but my favorite game is Mortal Combat.

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