My likes aare dining-out while playing under the table with ourselves while no other berson knows,watching movies and travelling,Reading,Camping,going to the beach, cycling,meeting new friends,fishing,bowling,music all kinds,going to cinemas,going to amusement parks,being kissed,touched,as a matter of fact being cared for and shown affection,going to jazz clubs,and all that is fun generally.
Titanic,Romeo and Juliet,Goodfellas,Godfather,Harrypotter, X-Men,Battled Earthfield,Man in the Iron Mask,Blue streak just to mention but a few and i love Sci-Fi's.
My parents whom have over the years has radiated so much Affection and Love and that's the kind of undying i'll like to have in my life and ejoy to the fullest till the end of time with my man.