38 Year Old
From Owego, NY·
Invited by: 2108416·
Joined on June 13, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 24th
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38 Year Old
From Owego, NY·
Invited by: 2108416·
Joined on June 13, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 24th
·6 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
38 Year Old
From Owego, NY·
Invited by: 2108416·
Joined on June 13, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 24th
·6 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
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QueenofNy607 Haven't been on this site in quite sometime, but glad to be back! :-D
Billy Mays was the man . Now who is going to get us Fired up and excited for Oxyclean, Orange Glo, Sham Wow, & The smart Mop ? Madden dont even come close .R.I.P.
Kindof an interesting story . LaSalle has more population that the City of NF itself . If it does happen pretty much us born and raised LaSalle people will kick the others out. Bitch slap them and say" Get back to the other side" But how about Billy Mays Dieing ?
The"LaSalle"part of Niagara Falls which is where i live is nice but other then that. 30% of the houses here are abonded .Most of the people who live downtown are trash . There's always fights and robberies downtown. And all of the trash that live downtown is on welfare and has like 8 kids and never treat their kids right . And their kids dont know who their dads are . The one thing about LaSalle is that it use to be it's own Town til Niagara Falls bought the LaSalle library. And if that Library gets torn down cause it's a historical site LaSalle is no longer part of Niagara Falls . It goes back to being a town again
OK I think you mispelled oswego then . Thats if you meant Oswego instead of Owego . And thats a sweet part of the state . It's better than Niagara Falls . You guys at least dont deal with trash
ok ok ok . They can have it . BTW sorry to break this funnier than hell conversation on how our states taxes us into the ground . How far away do you live from Niagara Falls and if its far . How far away from NYC?
Start Wandering outside to your nearest walmart. Sit down in the front with a box and . Just ring the bell for some donation change til the store closes