43 Year Old
From Gaithersburg, MD·
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on July 28th
25. Work as a A/V Tech for a huge research organization. Love my girlfriend to death. Play, record and mix sound and music. Can lick my elbow...no seriously I can. Don't drink 'cept for an occasional sip. Don't smoke it unless it rhymes with curb, seed, or mariwhatdidyousay. Like drawing logos and designing tattoos. Got one course left until I'm a certified ProTools Operator. Got certificates for Live Sound Reiforcement as well as in Electronic Synthisizers and MIDI Devices. Have 4 baby turtles at home. I like surfing the internet on a DS.
43 Year Old
From Gaithersburg, MD·
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on July 28th
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♥ leaving you some love and rated your profile a 10 if you could rate mine too that would be really nice of you i hope you are having a great weekend :D ♥
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