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44 Year Old · Female · From Dixon, CA · Invited by: PINK DIAMOND · Joined on December 8, 2006 · Born on January 7th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
44 Year Old · Female · From Dixon, CA · Invited by: PINK DIAMOND · Joined on December 8, 2006 · Born on January 7th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

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My passion and desire to be a physician is what drives me in life. I have been searching for someone who is also career oriented, knows what they want in life, and has some sort of plan to get them there. I finally found someone that meets that criteria. Honesty is the key to a good relationship. I always keep it real so I expect the same from my counter part. The truth may hurt but finding out that one doesn't have enough respect for a person to be honest with them is more painful to me. At least then you know where you stand in that persons life. I don't discriminate but from my past experiences it is not wise to get involved with bisexuals, trisexuals, or women with children. There is too much of a gray area with bi's and tri's and the worst part of a break up with someone who has kids is trying to sever the bond and emotional attachment with the child. But keep in mind that not everyone has the same definition for bisexual and trisexual. My definition is as follows: Bisexual - Someone who has no preference for one sex more than the other and could potentially have a serious, committed, monogamous relationship. Trisexual - Someone who has never even thought about stepping out of their initial sexual preference but for some reason is fascinatingly obsessed with the thought of trying it with one individual in particular............................
Anyways, ya'll get the jest of it! I wanna meet some new people to enjoy life with on just go-out-n-kick-it basis and it doesn't matter where you are cause I like to travel and its always good to have connects where ever you go! So if you aren't psychotic and like to network like I do, don't be shy..................hit me up!





You are very successful in life and are always planning for the future. You are probably already in a committed relationship and enjoy the intimacy that comes with your lovemaking.

You are direct with your lover about what you like and you like it when they are direct with you. You have excellent sex, because you make sure that it’s a custom fit for yourself.

Sex matches: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

You Are A Fir Tree


You love anything beautiful, and you have extraordinary taste.

And while it's hard for you to trust, you care deeply for those close to you.

You are a social butterfly, and you have many friends.

You handle stress well - and you are a master at relaxing after a hard day.

Overall, you are modest, talented, unselfish, and very reliable.


Toi --


Tasting like strawberries

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com

You are suave.


You are attractive both physically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire.

'What is your seduction style?' at QuizUniverse.com

Using your body


Your sexual hidden talent is using your body's natural charm and beauty to seduce your partner. You are all about having the perfect body/looking good for your partner - and it does the trick every time.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com


Star Wars Horoscope for Capricorn


You have a ton of ambition and inexhaustible desire to reach your goals.

You are very loyal, going to great lengths to help someone out.

You are a very social unit, winning the hearts of many with your cute personality.

Star wars character you are most like: R2D2


Your Birthdate: January 7


You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.

And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.

Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.

You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!

Your strength: Your self sufficiency

Your weakness: You despise authority

Your power color: Maroon

Your power symbol: Hammer

Your power month: July

44 Year Old · Female · From Dixon, CA · Invited by: PINK DIAMOND · Joined on December 8, 2006 · Born on January 7th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

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