hey there..well Melissa has talked alot about this site, Cherry tap, and how its cool and that, so i joined, in order to help her get cherry bucks ot whatever to get jeff a ring, it seems cool but alot of the shit i cant figure out lol, all in good time..i will invite some people to join after a while but first i will try to meet some new peeps..they float across the top lol...
i am having an ok day..actually have aalot to do, not too motivated, find my mind drifting back to Uncle Ronnie..today is a week since he died..i feel like it would be wrong to go buy a christmas tree, still, i am not ready to feel christmas-y..it fucken sucks..i mean im carrying on.i have 3 kids, cant just ignore xmas, and im shopping here and there..plus jacobs birthday, too..
eek which makes me worry about funds..dam theres always something to worry about huh? one cool thing everybuddy is bitching about snow and we havent seen a single flake-now thats unusual here..and im happy, no rush we'll certainly get our share!
i rather like this cherry theme here, myspace i have been avoiding, i literally go there about twice a month..but i will have to have a look around and see if people decorate their pages here..well guess ill blog later..off to 360 now to check my mail..