42 Year Old
Invited by: Wrench·
Joined on August 15, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 3rd
I don't really know what to say here. I am what I am and u can taake it of leave it; it's all up to you. I love my friends and family and they are what matter most to me. I'm just your normal every day girl. I like to have fun with frends and family (hang out and find stuff to do). Thats about all there is to me. ;)
42 Year Old
Invited by: Wrench·
Joined on August 15, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 3rd
Sono molto felice di avere così donna bella come amico. Grazie ed i baci per voi.I am very happy to have such a beautiful woman as a friend. Thank you and kisses for you.Ciò è aumentato è pallida nel comaprison a quanto bella siete. Comment CodesFlowers GraphicsThis rose is pale in comparison to how beautiful you areDREAMING of YOU