Last night I was watching a special about an American female journalist who was severly wounded while riding patrol with Army troops in Iraq. The cameraman, sound guy and an Army commander were all killed in the attack and several of the soilders were severly wounded as well. The most touching moment for me was when the 6 yr old daughter of the fallen commander looked into the camera with her huge brown eyes and said, "My daddy is a hero. He was a soilder and he died." This just brought tears to my eyes. It also got me thinking of all the ignorant people who confuse supporting the war with supporting our troops. Is it really so hard to understand that while you may not believe in the war...our troops are doing their JOBS. If you work at the corner gas station that just charged me $3.59 a gallon for gas, do I blame you for that? Should I yell and curse at you because I do not believe in the price gouging that is going on everytime I fill my tank? Of course not, you are just doing your job. You are charging me what you were told to charge me. It's not like you just decided to ruin my budget personally. The same is true for our troops. It's not like the bunch of them were just bored and decided to go and fight for a while. These brave men and women are risking their lives everyday because it is their JOB to go wherever they are sent to protect our country and fight for our freedoms. Remember the words of that little girl..her father IS a hero. Do not cheepen her memories with your politics. You don't have to support the war...but you damn well better support our troops.