I must say, first off, I am NOT proud of the things I do. I simply must, or someone worse might. I do not take solace in the fact that I have the means and ability to take life, to destroy the one thing that we truly can't get by without. I do, however, take solace in the fact that SO many people in this world deserve just that. Too may innocent lives have been destroyed by unremorseful butchers. Mine included. If revenge is a dish best served cold, consider my life Siberia. I missed my childhood. My heart is dead, or very near to it. Metaphorically, my heart is a diamond soaked in the blackest tar. I do have a soul, a conscience, but they're so warped and twisted I doubt I would otherwise pass as human. I am so paranoid and mistrustful most people are afraid of me. I would, just once, like to be shown that someone cares for me. Not the facade I've put up over the years, ME. The scared little boy hiding in the corner with the knife to his throat, who jumped to soon in front of the 18 wheeler. The boy who should have been dead now 1000 times. Please?