there are consequences to every action.. so how do we choose the right one to make?? what if everything we decided to do ended up with a positive result? could we even phathom that many people out there being happy??
is it possible to care about someone but in a way look for a way out... knowing that it would be the wrong choice and thats why u stay??
there are to many what ifs that makes life uncertian...
why do we judge people by what kind of car they drive... or what their house looks like... or even what the look like....
i think it should be about who someone is... there are sexy ass guys that i wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole....
AND I CAN'T SAY THIS ENOUGH..... why do guys think its a turn on for us... to ask a complete stranger if they wanna see them naked.... i think its repulsive.... you might as well be the bug heading for the pretty blue light... ZAP!
OH lol... i have to say this.. if you dont like what i write.. just dont read it... its my thoughts i've been pondering today.. just in that kinda mood ...
i'm sure there will be more just give me some time... :D