I am not here to please anyone or to pick up anyone, I am here for friends only, and what I do not understand is why one particular guy just will not let the salute pic go, in fact he wanted something further, he wanted me to take a pic with my thong around my neck and having a sign with something like "tequila for my" --- I will let the name out just to keep peace, and constantly asked for my number, but he will not talk to me now, but that is ok, I do not care either way.
But here is the odd thing about this situation, he does not trust me, for whatever reason, but he is the one that is a sex offender and has it written all over his profile.
I never once asked him any questions about it, I do not judge others on their past, but he has the nerve not trust me?
I am the one getting emails from someone telling me to keep my distance from him and watch him for he would be asking for certain pics and numbers etc. and if I do not give it to him, he will not talk to you anymore etc, I just think that is totally immature, and he has some issues that he needs to deal with.
He is no longer on my friends list, but he keeps checking out my page, and then when I asked him about it, he told me he clicks on it by mistake, how can that be? Talk about a liar and player? After finding all this out, I do not believe anything that is written on his profile!
Am I being wrong for how I am feeling or am I being childish as well? I need opinions please!