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GBT's blog: "Just for fun!!!!"

created on 10/13/2006  |  http://fubar.com/just-for-fun/b13278
Evil300th Profile Rate Gets Cherry Bikini Boomy ON!!!!
subject: MsDallas Owned by Top Cat N Vampy just killed your buzz!
received: 06/9/2010 09:11 pm
replied: no   block this member
MsDallas Owned by Top Cat N Vampy has buzzkilled you and you've lost your buzz! Virtual drinks raise your buzz meter and help you earn bonus points for everything you do on fubar! For example, if your buzz meter is at 100%, you get a 10% point bonus for everything you do on fubar!!! (click here for more info)

SB confessions lol

I knew I would get some of this once I got spotlight...thought I would share so you can laugh as much as I did

¥ Demonic_Wycked ¥ Fu-Bf to Secret_Leigh

¥ Demonic_Wycked ¥ Fu-Bf to Secret_Leigh

@ fubar

->¥ Demonic_...: That's the best you got? That's real weak man
¥ Demonic_...: doll, my ass, no wonder ken is gay, barbie is ugly
->¥ Demonic_...: Quit responding and calling me names then doll
¥ Demonic_...: i wouldnt perv ya, numby
->¥ Demonic_...: You contacted me hun...not vice versa...go perv on someone else...make sure you read their profiles before you do...k?
¥ Demonic_...: barbie ass fake bitch
¥ Demonic_...: and get outta my sb
¥ Demonic_...: fuck off
->¥ Demonic_...: And thank you for proving my point...have a great day
¥ Demonic_...: i only got one thing to say about that
¥ Demonic_...: well, meh
->¥ Demonic_...: I do...if I wanted everyone to know my name, I would have put it on my profile
¥ Demonic_...: glad you think thats funny
->¥ Demonic_...:
¥ Demonic_...: NOT
¥ Demonic_...: very cute!
->¥ Demonic_...: GBT lol
¥ Demonic_...: so whats yer name?
->¥ Demonic_...: lol
¥ Demonic_...: ok I am soooooo not commenting on that lol
->¥ Demonic_...: Been in and out all day lol
¥ Demonic_...: hi!!! nice to finally talk to you
->¥ Demonic_...: hello
¥ Demonic_...: hello?
¥ Demonic_...: hello

He also re rated me a "1" but didn't block me...oh well...made me laugh


I find it funny that people you haven't spoken to in almost a year track you down through your friends.  I was supposed to meet this guy named Bryan...he stood me up...I wrote him off.  Now he's telling my R/L friends that we met and hung out several times.  Just wanted you guys to laugh with me. 


CrazyWildA...: Okay
->CrazyWildA...: Allen isn't that smart...bryan is
CrazyWildA...: Okay, you would know best, better than it bein' Allen or war be breakin' out, lol
->CrazyWildA...: I bet you money it's Bryan...all of his former haunts are on his profile
CrazyWildA...: Okay
->CrazyWildA...: That's why he sought you out
CrazyWildA...: He had to know I would talk to you!
CrazyWildA...: *hugz*
CrazyWildA...: Okay
->CrazyWildA...: pretty much...Just text me if he pops in there
CrazyWildA...: Okay, if he actually does, lol
->CrazyWildA...: Let me know when...I will go in and listen
CrazyWildA...: No, he said tomorrow
->CrazyWildA...: No...he's a liar but he is harmless...is he DJing right now?
CrazyWildA...: Okay, and should I worry, he got my sams login info
CrazyWildA...: Okay
->CrazyWildA...: In case he answers you...the name I gave him was lollipop
->CrazyWildA...: It's Bryan
CrazyWildA...: Not answerin' me!
->CrazyWildA...: You should ask him if he is my friend...what was the nickname I gave him?
CrazyWildA...: Crazy Cowboy (8/18/2009 6:33:01 PM): Are you Brian? DJ Whiskey (8/18/2009 6:33:22 PM): rut roh Crazy Cowboy (8/18/2009 6:33:33 PM): lol DJ Whiskey (8/18/2009 6:33:36 PM): nope my name is Randall
CrazyWildA...: DJ Whiskey (8/18/2009 6:30:35 PM): you know one of my ex friends i think Crazy Cowboy (8/18/2009 6:31:14 PM): Who? lol DJ Whiskey (8/18/2009 6:31:33 PM): her name is trash aka god bless texas DJ Whiskey (8/18/2009 6:31:44 PM): trish Crazy Cowboy (8/18/2009 6:31:53 PM): Yip, lol Crazy Cowboy (8/18/2009 6:31:59 PM): Know her personally Crazy Cowboy (8/18/2009 6:32:17 PM): In person, the flesh, and yeah, we close friends still DJ Whiskey (8/18/2009 6:32:18 PM): yeah she and i met up atlease once before the hurricane
->CrazyWildA...: Randall is Bryan's first name...you should ask him if he has a nickname
CrazyWildA...: Oh, I asked, are you brian, he went Rut Roh, then said he was randall
->CrazyWildA...: 20 bucks says it is Bryan
->CrazyWildA...: Not to mention he has yet to say anything to me and I have visited his profile 3 times already
CrazyWildA...: No salute
CrazyWildA...: Okay, i believe you and profile was created the 13th, level 12 already, 32
->CrazyWildA...: Dale I am great with faces and names but I have never met this dude
CrazyWildA...: What he said
->CrazyWildA...: Do what? I met this bloke in real life?
CrazyWildA...: Yeah, he said from Houston before the hurricane, that ya'll met a couple times
->CrazyWildA...: Did you ask him how he knew me and from where?
CrazyWildA...: Yeah, he wants to DJ, and all that happened before he mentioned you
->CrazyWildA...: you're on his friend's list
CrazyWildA...: Okay
->CrazyWildA...: I don't recognize any of them so far
CrazyWildA...: On the profile!
CrazyWildA...: Go look at the girls and see if ya recognise any to be allens
->CrazyWildA...: Some random person he found
CrazyWildA...: If so, who are the pics of?
->CrazyWildA...: mmm...probably is Allan
CrazyWildA...: He said you were an ex friend, new account, mentioned Allen, makes me wonder!
->CrazyWildA...: I don't remember knowing him lol
CrazyWildA...: http:...
->CrazyWildA...: Send me the link
CrazyWildA...: Said he knew you before the hurricane!
CrazyWildA...: Wants a job as DJ!
CrazyWildA...: Just curious, guy told me he knew you, wanted to make sure he wasn't bullshitting me
->CrazyWildA...: IDK...why do you ask if I know a guy named Randall

Witty told me too

So I am gonna try for spotlight again tonight...I have 19 mil and I was 2 mil shy the last time...witty suggested I write a blog asking for help again...I would really like to level.  I'd like to be a godmother before my birthday (september 26th-make a note of it...I will expecting cards LOL)  Any and all help is appreciated.  


Thank you to those who have already donated and helped...you guys rock...all of you.  Keep your fingers crossed.


*this desperated attempt of point whoring (shudders) was brought to you by gbt via witty*

I love you

I love you just because, I love the way you make me smile, I Love the way you make me laugh, I love the way your eyes sparkle when you look at me, I love the way you hold my hand,  I love the way you feel when we cuddle, I love the way you make me feel,  I love the way you kiss me, I love the way you rub my back, I love our pillow talk, I love the way you look when you fall asleep, I love the way you seem to be able to read my mind and share jokes only we get, I love the way you smile, I love the way you blush n tell me to shut it, I love the fact that we can spend hours together and it feels like minutes, I love the way we talk for hours n never get bored, I love the way you rest your head on my cheast,  I love your the way you touch me(especially when you run your fingers up n down my chest), I love the way you burp then say excuse me, I love the way you look into my eyes, I love how it feels waking up with you in my arms, I love how your not afraid to kiss or touch me in public, I love the way you feel n look when we make love, I love the way you love me but most of all I LOVE YOU!


Now my SO sent this to me right after I had to catch a plane home (this was before I moved to Tampa to marry him).  If you have never had a real romance or ever been in love, would you think:  Who the fuck is this sweet and says shit like this?  lol


But it worked in his favor cause I fell for him and moved to yet another state...we're getting married April 24th in Tampa.  Witty is our wedding planner although I don't think I have told her this yet lol.  Let me know if you want to come.

Military Humor

LOL Military humor

To:  Private Shithead....a tribute to your continued stupidity,

Well thank goodness you've arrived! You're an 18yr old Dungeons &
Dragons nerd that barely scraped through boot camp, and now think you're
the toughest thing since a level 37 dark elf with a magic
staff.....congrat-u-fuckin-lations retard you've all ready made it on my

Perhaps it's the fact that you showed up today, your first fucking day
on the job I might add, late with no shave or a haircut. Or maybe it's
that your cammies are not marked and you're not wearing your belt.
Whatever the fuck it is, know now, that me and you are about to become
best a fuckin friends, there genius.

Mommy and Daddy think that you're a tough Marine don't they, there big
But I know the truth! You're an untested, undisciplined, lying, shit
stain who can't even keep a clean room or a good shave. You'll probably
end up going to medical to get out of Physical Training (but we both
know that when you troll the internet for girls you'll say you work out
and bench 1,000 fucking pounds).  And then medical will probably give
you light duty, for some stupid ass medical condition, that no-ones ever
heard of...."but Gunny, the doc says that my metamusel ligament is
twisted in a knot behind my left calf".

What the fuck ever fucktard, just know that when you get off light
duty....I plan on breaking you. The thought of me running you into the
ground makes me sleep content! I even get a slight smile at the thought.
Second, you'll probably get a DUI or pop on a piss test and give some
lame ass excuse like...."But Gunny somebody cooked the brownies, I
didn't know there was pot in them"

That's cause your a fucking dumb ass, Pvt Shithead....a fucking dumb ass
plain and simple.

Or you'll meet the first skanky, low self-esteem, no self-respect slut
that spreads her Herpa-syphilitis infected legs for you and you are
going to propose marriage after the first fuck. And then you'll say
something like...."but Gunny, we're different, I love her".

NO!!! Pvt Shithead you love her nasty vagina you lame piece of donkey
shit...that's what you love.  And she'll probably have 4 kids from 3
different dads (which by the way, 1 is still pending the results of a
DNA test on the Maury Povich show after the 15th appearance, but it's ok
because she's sure this one is the father just like she was with the
2nd, 3rd and 4th time on the show). Which, all of the douchebags are
either former military or ex-cons, and you'll probably say something
like...."but Gunny, her kids love me, I think I'm the first male
influence they have had in their lives".

Well good to fuckin go Pvt Shithead. Here I thought you were fuckin a
nasty, money-stealin skank, when really here you are the fuckin
hero....my apologies shit for brains.

Then you'll buy two 30,000 dollar cars (both of which need rims, and
systems) and you're going to do it all on a 18,000 dollar a year salary.
Oh damn, I forgot the motorcycle your going to buy.  A 1000CC sport
bike, even though your dumbass never spent a day of your worthless life
on a bike.
Why are you going to do this Pvt Shithead? Cause you're a fuckin tard,
that's why. Then when you get so in debt that you can't pay your rent,
utilities, cable, or credit cards, your creditors are going to find me.
And we are going to sit down and do a financial worksheet (which you'll
lie on, so it doesn't fuckin help you anyway).

Then comes the DUI, Pvt Shithead. You spent your night at the bar,
getting wasted with the boys and trying to cheat on your wife, who by
the way is cheating on you that same night, and BAM! Red and blue
flashes in the review mirror. Now I'm asleep at home when my annoying
phone goes off and my kids start screaming at 2 a.m,  and guess who the
fuck it is?
NOOOOOO.....not fucktard?! Yes indeed it's him......crying, sounding
like a bitch, tossed in the drunk tank and awaiting me to bail him out.
Now you fucking cocksucker, I gotta call Company First Sergeant and
explain to him why my leadership failed you. I hate you shithead....I
really fucking hate you!

12,000 dollars, two lawyers, a divorce, and repo-ed car later, I see you
smoking a cigarette with your fellow fucking failures at life.  Sitting
there complaining about how the Corps fucked you. How you gotta pay
child support, your credits fucked cause you got NJP'ed and lost money,
and how you're an alcoholic and you blame it all on PTSD although your
retarded ass has never deployed. I hate you Pvt shithead, I fuckin hate
you with all my heart. The fact that you wear the same uniform as me,
grinds against my very being. The fact that I have to walk you through
life like you're a baby who's learning how to walk, makes me bitter with
rage. I wish I could kick you out Pvt shithead. I wish I could kick you
out into the street to find your own way, wherever the hell that is, but
just away from my Corps.....you fuckin fuck.

You can thank the M.O.A., which mommy is probably a proud member of,
along with some stupid fucking liberals for preventing me from breaking
your ass down shotgun style and taking a ratchet to your skull and
beating some damn sense into your brain housing group...because lord
knows I fantasize about that every fucking miserable day!

You're pissed off, disgruntled Gunny, who's just waiting till you get
off light duty to fuck your world up with PT Sessions and inspections
out the ass

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