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Strawberrykiss's blog: "Just Blogging"

created on 01/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/just-blogging/b44344

Kiss Your Guy Here!

By Laura Manske Alabama : On The Sugar White Sands of the Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores,after you kiss you can rent a cozy cabin. Alaska: Next to a towering spruce tree in Sitka National Historic Park. On the Island of rain forest and native carved totem poles. Arizona: At a window table with a view of Camelback Mountain at T. Cook's, the swanky Mediterranean restaurant at the Royal Plams Resort and Spa in Phoenix a place so geared toward love. Arkansas: On the porch of the elegant Crescent Hotel and Spa, which dates back to 1886. This supposedly haunted lodging is set on sprawling grounds in the picturesque village of Eureka Springs in the Ozark Mountains.(crescent-hotel.com) California: While hanging on to a pole on a cable car clattering down the superhilly streets of San Francisco. Colorado: Floating down Boulder's Boulder Creek in side-by-side inner tubes. Connecticut: At adorable Drawbridge Ice Cream in Mystic. Savor a Scoop of an exotic flavor, like lemon chocolate, before standing hand-in-hand on the bridge looking out on the old seaport of Mystic River.(860-572-7978) Delaware: While sailing aboard Wilmington's Kalmar Nyckel, a magnificant masted tall ship on which passengers help hoist the many sails.(Kalmarynyckel.org) Florida: Lounging on an outdoor daybed facing the water at the Ritz-Carlton's DiLido Beach Club in South Beach. Cuddle in the hammock and spilt North American-inspired appetizers.(ritzcarlton.com/resorts/south_beach) Georgia: On a picnic over-looking one of the marshes full of moss-draped oaks, creeks,and birds on Saint Simons Island in Glynn County(saintsimons.com) Hawaii: While coasting on a tandem kayak ride off Oahu's Lanikai Beach, on the Wind-ward Coast. Paddleto the uninhabited Mokulua Islands. Idaho: During a live show at Gold Rush-era Pengilly's Saloon. Illinois: Atop the ferris wheel at Chicago's Navy Peir. Sweeping veiw of Lake Michigan . Indiana: While taking a midnight stroll on Canal Walk, a quiet path lined with vintage streetlights and pretty fountain. Iowa: In a car halfway down BUrlington's historic Snake Alley, a cobblestone street built in 1894. Kansas: Inside the Butterfly House in Botanica, the botanical gardens in Wichita. Louisiana: Standing on the corner of Bourbon and Toulouse Streets in the French Quarter of New Orleans, where you can absorb the festive nightlife. Maine: On Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park , the highest point on the North Alantic Seaboard. Maryland: Inside a tent for two while camping at assateague Island National Seashore, where more then 300 poinies live to roam free. Massachusetts: Sitting together on one of the wooden picnic benches by the roadside snack stands near the beaches in Hyannis, Cape Cod. Michigan: Strolling arm in arm up and down the board walk on Mackinac Island, a charming car free. Minnesota: Navigating your way through the 11 acres Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Mississippi: In a carriage during a city tour of Natchez, as your horse clips clops past tree lined roads and grand antebellum homes. Missouri: At the pinnacle of the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis. Montana: Riding a one of a kind ,hand carved carousel pony painted by artists. Open air structure sits on the banks of the Clark Fork River in missoula. Nebraska: While relaxing in the whirlpool tub in the Meadow View room at Lovejoy Ranch. Nevada: In a posh guest room think sumptuous bedding, a sitting area, and soaking tub in Las Vega's decadent Bellagio Hotel and Casino at night , while you gaze through your window at the amazing fountain light show in Lake Bellagio. New Hampshire: Inside Nissitissit Bridge an old fashioned covered wooden bridge tucked into the verdant country side in brookline. New Jersey: A top a tower of the Twin Lights of Navesink, two statuesque side by side lighthouses in Highlands borough, with far reaching views of the Shrewsbury River. New Mexico: Between sips of frosty margaritas and bites of yummy ships and salsa at the High Noon Restaurant and Saloon in Old Town ALbuquerque. It's an adobe building dating back to the 1780 lt by candles with features fire places, brick floors and skylight. Sexiest places in the world By Laura Manske Now that romatic


Hey! There all. I was thinking today about how way back when are parents where kids that you could go out on your patio and sit and watch the birds the trees what ever. Enjoy the fresh air smell the rain coming. After this happen at a UNV. and Then the school years ago and 9-11 it makes you really stop and think about how much things have changed and sorry to say it but mostly for the worse. What every happen to feeling safe in your home or your kids at school and who would have ever thought a UNV. As are kids grow up we are to start feeling at more ease knowing they are older and learning how to take care of there self but honestly I am beginning to think NO ONE is really safe anymore. Almost like having a loaded gun and spinning the wheel and hoping its empty when it stops. There bullentins reposted by me about it today and others there statsh and graphics in memory of. They said on Tv today 3,371 soliders have died so far. 9-11 was like what 4,000 VT killing 32 Every little adds up. Lets all pull together and show support for all those family that lost again in our life in our world. Let not forget them, Lets not forget our men and women over seas fighting trying to keep us safe and lets not forget anyone who may have died at such a young age. My niece who was only 20 was killed she had a one year old little boy at the time. Her murder goes unsolved to this date. I never thought in all my life that Murder or death in some way other then natural would hit so close to home but it did and it has. I mean I lost family memebers to old age or lung cancer or other old age illness. We know it is going to happen sooner or later ,but when it hits out of the blue something that should have never happen. It makes you stop and think and ask god to protect your love ones. We can not forget all these things, but lets hope that maybe one day we can honestly say and feel safe. Blessing to all silence. my thoughts the way I feel today my worries of tomorrow.

The Witches' Rune

Darksome night and shining moon, Hearken to the Witches' rune. East, then south, west then north, Here come I to call thee forth. Earth and water, air and fire, Work ye unto my desire. Wand and Pentacle and Sword Hearken ye unto my word. Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife, Waken all ye into life. Power of the Witches Blade, Come ye as the charm is made. Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Lend your aid unto the spell. Horned Hunter of the Night, Work my will by magic rite. By all the power of land and sea, As I do will, so mote it be. By all the might of moon and sun, Chant the spell and be it done
Well, I watch the lady in the water and just did not care much for it. Then tonight I watch a movie called Jennifer. It was about a young girl who had this kick but bod and yet her face was eyes of a bird pictch black and her mouth was deformed and sharp teeth. Well, this cop see a man dragging her to chop her head off not knowing why and being a cop he shots the man dead big mistake but he gets the girl help so he thought. She ends up in a crazy house he takes her out not knowing what to do with her. He looses his family because this young girl killed the family cat and the wife and son move a way. The cop looses his job fines out the JENNIFER killed the neighbors daughter. Well, the cop take her to the woods far away he thought he gets a job in the small town enough to buy food and water and of course JENNIFER wants the meat. Well, she also uses her body to make these men fall for her or keep her around some how she never gets in trouble. Well , she steals the lady son who gave him the job because she jealous and slowly kills him you do not even want to know how and he find her the x cop and take her to the woods to cut off her head just like the man at the start did well a hunter happens to see him and shoots him dead with out even asking question. He looks at the hunter long enough to say JENNIFER and the hunter un ties her just like the cop did and even though her face is horrible she starts to make nice with him and so it starts all over again. Was a very weird and when the girl killed it was rather just gross. So, I going to watch decent tomorrow see what it is like and I am watching the gathering now so far not to impressed with it. Basically I am a horror fan and out of 4 movies none have been to great as of yet. Did see part of silent hill got to watch it from the start to end to get better idea of if I like it or not I do understand the ending but got to finger out how the lady and her daughter end up where they do. Any how just talking about movies got any good ideas on some really good ones I seen most of the old ones and even B movies which a lot of times suck really bad and you have to force your self to continue watching them lolo. Well, the end for tonight .


What does sadness mean it is a over whelming feeling of be lonely. Sometimes, you can have every thing a person could want in life and out of life and still be sad. It is the empty dark hole that seem to go to the pit of your stomach, making you ache and hurt so bad that you feel sick. When death comes along sadness comes not far behind it leading you down the spiral tunnel of sadness and lonely feeling. Tears that fall join with the sadness already there making you feel cold and deeply lonely. There are so many things that can take that empty sadness away but it only last for a short time or maybe just a day. Before, you know it comes all back into your soul your inner most part of you making you tumble deeper and deeper into the darkness that awaits you. Every time you see a tad of light and gleamour of hope something comes your away and takes it all away again. Its strange how time works with the sadness and death. Maybe tomorrow the sorrow will not come and the dark gloom will just fade away.
Minister wrote : I would like to tell a true story about Jacob who was 93 and his wife Emma who was 91. On Aug 14, 2001 , I was summoned to their home; Jacob was on his deathbed. I was asked to give him his last blessing. The doctor said that he would pass away within the hour. We spoke of his early years, and how he bored Emma with daily farm talk. As we spoke, Emma smiled and said, "You used to bore me to my witsend, but I loved you just the same." As she kissed him goodbye, he quietly passed away. On July 12, 2002, I was summoned to the bedside of Emma , who had suffered a stroke. Emma spoke very slowly so that I could hear her. She asked me, "Will god allow me on request?" Will god allow me to be in Jacob's Arms? I 'd like to hear about the cows again." I told Emma that it was what god was waiting for. I held her hand and she passed away. I have blessed infants, and I have been with many who have died. Those words and her request bring tears to my eyes and reqpect for the marriage of 74 years. Any spouse who won't be a good listener will miss out on the little things that bring joy to a marriage. Author REVEREND in mayfield ny This was such a touching story that I saved it and I wanted to blog it for sometime I think people forget about the little things that are so important with time.

Diet Tips

1, Find Fun Ways To Burn Calories : As Long as you keep it fun you will stick with it. Mixing dance and indoor cycling Rev classes at sports Club so you do not get borded. 2. SHOP FOR FRESH FOODS: Avoiding processed and packaged foods. stock up on organic fruit and vegetables from local Farmers Market. 3. TAKE THE GUILT OUT OF PIZZA: Good cooking tips from trainer or deitition whole grain tortillas with tomatoes turkey pepperioni and nonfat mozzerlla cheese. 4. GIVE YOURSELF A CUTOFF TIME: I never eat after 7pm usually before that any ways. Comsuining calories earlier in the day gives your body time to burn them off. You will have less up set stomachs to by doing this. 5. SLIP IN A DAILY MINI WORKOUT: At least 15 minutes a day even if just simple streching or strengthening exericise. Curves for womens great for both. 30 minutes 3 times a week you see results anymore time over that and you get them faster. 6. SHIP UP A POWER BREAKFAST: Start your day with protein breakfast. Combine hot cereal with fruit juice blueberry and pomergranate protein powder, a banana not daily though bananas are used to help you gain weight too. 1 teaspoon of slivered almonds. 7. CARRY YOUR WATER WITH YOU: Special K20 is good protein with 5 grams of protein and 50 calories but you can use dansin no calories and falavor or nestea carbo rasberry water, fack out of carbo drink good too a lot of them have zero calories but read your lables. 8. GIVE MENUS A MAKEOVER: When eating out modifie the menu ask for fish to be grilled with out oil or get a side of steamed vegetables instead of mached potatoes. This is a real good one I do this my self. 9. TOSS OUT LEFTOVERS: Holiday leftovers give them away or throw them away so you do not over eat more then you already have. Follow this one my self too. 10. TRY THE COOKIE DIET : Hollywood Cookie diet, Cookiediet.com, helps stars slim down. Eat the bitamin packed cookies chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin or lemon four times a day instead of a meal, plus senisable dinner. 11.SKIP THE MIDDLE OF THE GROCERY STORE: Peripheral aisles of the grocery store and avoid all the bad processed foods in the center. Instead of gold fish crackers and mini wheats get fresh fish and peaches and asparagus. 12. REINVENT CHEESE AND CRACKERS : Instead of eathing cheese and crackers put slice of cucumber on it saves you 30 calories. 14. TRICK YOUR SWEET TOOTH: Satisfy your sweet tooth with low calorie high protein pears with peanut butter dip. 15. SNACK on ENERGY BARS: Natural Lara bars, made with nuts and crushed fruit and really high in fiber. 16. SAY NO TO FINGER FOOD: Finger food is generally high in fat and calories so in stead because small bites but large quanities eating more then you realize. 17. BURN OFF YOUR SPLURGES: Get on treadmill afterwards walking criskly burns 240 Calories per hour, the equivalent of a MC donalds hambuger. OUCH. 18. AVOID ARTIFICAL SWEETENERS: Artificial sweetners incrase sugar cravings . Instead have fresh fruit and juice sometimes I use splenda if wanted something sweeter dibetics us it. 19. FUEL WORKOUTS WITH A SHAKE: Muscle Provider vanilla protein shakes with blue berries is good. I have even used Myoplex chocolate cream shake before working out in place of meal too or in between one. 20. INDULGE IN LOW CAL DESSERTS: Instead of fattening desserts, 100 calorie south beach diet snack bar or the zone bar chocolate or others. This was from magazine and what was funny is most of it I follow some not but its a idea and its helps along with other things too. My food for today just to share was: Breakfast : 1 cup Honey bunches of oats (post) with one pack of splenda on it and 2% milk just enough to moisten the cereal. Lunch: 2cups of brocoli with parkay pump spray 5 times on brocoli and black pepper can of tuna in water drained with red wine vingar and season what you do not put to much salt into it I use no salt stuff. Snack : if needed can be some more veggie or fruit which ever how hungry too or 1 cup of vanilla yogart low fat plain or you can add just a tad of fruit mix and eat. Not daily though. Dinner: broiled or grilled chicken no skin no salt added with veggie of choice and salad real good but sometimes there rice or potatoes just do not eat more then half cup or about half potatoe. I do high protien I sort of follow the ZONE diet with no carbs or very little as possible. I do not add no sugar to anything but use splenda and I add no salt to anything either. I drink 46 oz of water plus other liquid I gone from soda all day to one here and there diet. I work out at curves for women 3 to 4 times a week goal is 5 and this is with a illness that makes me very sick sometims I have not been able to go but I love it and with pain and all I feel great most of the time while there and after words too. Now no nasty words I am just sharing something that was shared with me while back. Blessings .
1. PRETEND YOU'RE SNOWED IN on Friday night, invite your guy over for a low key antidote to an otherwise harried month. Curl up on the couch with takeout and a game. Try loaded Questions, a hot new Q&A that asks things like "If you were invisible , where would you go?" Or scrabble is alwfun if you make it naughty words only. 2. BAN THE MALL On Saturday, turn on the computer for some stress free holiday shopping. Design addicted sis? Check out aalto.com for modern vases. Head to dylanscandybar.com to have sugary treats delivered to yoru guy's door, or click on shopintuition.com for yoru fasionista friend. 3. CHILL WITH THE GIRLS Saturday night, have the girls come over to make funky festive martinis, with this recipe from the funky budda lounge in denver. Pour 1 1/2 oz. Stoli Razeri, a splash of Chambord, and a splash of cranberry juice over ice in a shaker , shake or blend and strain into a glass. 4. SCORE MAJOR SLEEP STYLE On Sunday , treat yourself to girlie pj's that get you psyched to snuggle up and be cozy. YEAH, your plaid flannel pants and mismatched top are comfy , but c'mon, it's time to trade up to something a little more chic. Check out J.Lo's soft cotton camisoles and sensual loungewear at shopjlo.com 5. INDULGE IN A DECADENT DESSERT Sunday before bed, whp up something sweet'n'spicy with your guy. Elizabeth Falkner , chef and owner of Citizen cake, in San Franciscio, suggest bulking up brownies with spicy cayenne pepper. Make the batter right out of the box, then add half a teaspoon of ground cayenne. The share contrast will bring out the flavor of the chocolate and give the brownies and unexpected kick, she says. MY FAVORITE IS: Strawberries with dip chocolate and whip cream or leave out the chocolate and do whip cream with them awsome romatic fun. HEHE
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