Hey Friends :)
i havent talked to the most of you lately, because im really, really busy. I will get back at all your messages when i have the time, promise :) I just came back from MIA. I had a blast there. Exxxotica was awesome. I finally met my Number One Idol/Hero/Inspiration Jenna Jameson there and she was super kind and signed all my stuff.. anyways i will keep this short... Right now im working almost 15h every day.. and to be honest i have no idea how i do this.. haha.. as the most of you might now im working on my own cosmetic line and right now i put all my energy and all my power into this project.. my website will be released in a few weeks, (www.ashley-b-cosmetics.com, stay tuned) oh so excited for that :) i finally found the right ppl to work with. i have awesome ppl behind me, people who share my visions and ppl who are ready to give 100 per cent for me. I love em. (Alex Paul you will probably never ever read this, but you are my fucking hero. Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!) From april 24th till april 30th i will be in san diego again. no break for little ashley... Besides all that im turnin 25 on monday (and i cant celabrate with my friends :(( ), my sister is pregnant and i still try to get my major in college (lol about that i will never get it hahhahaha)
I really really hope you guys enjoy your easter holidays, and life is treating you as good as it treats me right now.
Much Love, Ash