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Get to Know Me

...About You...

Eye ColorDK BR0WN
Hair ColorBLACK
Favorite ColorBLACK, PiNK, GR3Y nd R3D
Favorite MovieF3AR
Favorite TV ShowLAW nd 0RD3R: SVU
Your Car'96 F0RD WiNSTAR
Your HometownBUFFAL0 (DAT *7-1-6*)
Your Present TownRUFF BUFF
Your Grade--
Your StyleGiRLY BUT H00D nd H00D BUT S3XY

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftopY
Kissed someone in the rainY
Danced in a public placeY (i D0 THAT SHiT ALL DA TiM3)
Smiled for no reasonY
Laughed so hard you criedY
Peed your pants after age 8N
Written a songY (AS A J0K3 TH0)
Sang to someone for no reasonY
Performed on a stageY
Talked to someone you don't knowY (STRANG3RS HAV3 G00D C0NV3RSATi0N)
Made out in a theaterY
Gone roller skating since 8th gradeN
Been in loveY (i AM N0W R3GARDL3SS 0F DA SiTUATi0N)

...Can You...

Write with both handsN (TRi3D TH0)
Blow a bubbleY
Roll your tongueN
Cross your eyesY
Touch your tongue to your noseN
Speak a different languageY
Impersonate someoneY
Cook anythingY

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ...C3L3BRiTY..
I wish ...i C0ULD B3 FR33..
So many people don't know ...MY W3AKN3SS3S..
I am ...DA "QU33N BiTCH.."
My heart is ...ALWAYZs BR0K3N..
Take this survey
what would you do if I? 1. I made a move on u: 2. I kissed you: 3. I lived next door to you: 4. I started smoking: 5. I asked you on a date: 6. I was hospitalized: 7. I ran away from home: 8. I asked u Make Love? 9. I asked u out? ::WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY:: 9. Personality: 10. Eyes: 11. Hair: 12. Body: ::WOULD YOU:: 13. Be my friend? 14. Keep a secret if I told you one? 15. Hold my hand? 16. Go on a date with me? 17. Keep in touch? 18. Try and solve my problems? 19. Love me? 20. Date me? ::HAVE YOU EVER:: 21. Lied to make me feel better? 22. Wanted to kiss me? 23. Wanted to kill me? 24. Broke my heart? 25. Kept something important from me? 26. Wanted to make love to me? ::AND MORE:: 27. Who are you? 28. Are we friends? 29. When and how did we meet? 30. Describe me in one word: 31. What was your first impression? 32. Do you still think that way about me now? 33. What reminds you of me? 34. If you could give me anything what would it be? 35. How well do you know me? 36. When's the last time you saw me? 37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 38. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you? Answer This In A Blog Comment & I'll B sure To Leave U A Comment Back!! Thanks For Answering My questions!!
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17 years ago
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