And it begins....
Its now 7:30 AM and we have the durango all packed up. The vehicle seems like it is ready and roadworthy. Right now Sunshyne and Angel Eyes are in the bathroom doing what females do best. Making themselves prettier then they already are but as you know females have to get those last few and final touches in to complete the whole picture. Hopefully we are out of here by 8 AM. Hopefully today we will knock out at least 10+ hours of driving. The road to Vegas calls for a total of 28 hours drive time and 2000 miles. But we will drive as far as possible today before stopping this evening.
Hope your weekend has been Kick A$$ and hopefully tonight you will get an update and some pics of whats going on with our road trip!
Wish me luck because these 2 ladies will be driving me BATTY I am sure. But to be perfectly honest I would have it no other way.