hey just wanted to say hi! i'm pretty new to this site as you can see by my level lol. anyways, just trying to meet new people, if you'd fancy a chat ill be on my yahoo messenger soon. my screen name on there is SurferGrLy475 hope to hear back from u soon
You get points for Salutes to. And you have to have one to get past leverl 10This will tell you how to make a salute: http://fubar.com/bible.php#make_salute
you need to Invite a friend To get beyond level 3 you must invite at least one person, If you are past level 3 and have never invited anyone you will remain"Stuck", Also, please make sure that the user you referred does not sign on the same computer as you because it will not be seen as a new reference Please click on the HELP link in the tool bar for more Info
Don't forget to verify your email,,,To Verify your email click here : http://www.fubar.com/verifyemail.php , then go to the email you signed up with and copy the token , paste it here where asked to , Also remember to add emails@fubar.com to your address book, and check junk folders (copy the link entirely in the email you receive and paste to your browser window and press"send or"go")