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40 Year Old · Male · From Greensboro, NC · Joined on July 27, 2009 · Born on November 10th
40 Year Old · Male · From Greensboro, NC · Joined on July 27, 2009 · Born on November 10th

How are you doing? Typically on this about me section I go hard displaying my hood part of me. I've decided not so much this time even though you’re going to get a bit in the middle and the end.I'm from Greensboro, NC but now I reside in Knightdale in the country which I love its quiet and no police is out there to fuck with a nigga. I'm 6'7 and I don play a little sports but I wont watch sports to save anyone’s life. I have twin daughters and I'm done for a while. I'm attending school to become a zoologist or a veterinarian I'm not 100% percent sure on which one yet. Now that I got the boring stuff at the way. I'm far from you average male even though I love SEX if I contact you don’t think that’s what I want I do just go for stimulating conversation at times. I'm not out to see what happens I feel that’s some bullshit most people know what they want if you want a boo/wifely you will get one. If you keep 100 with me I surely will do the the same even though I don’t shoot the bullshit to anyone. I'm from the block so I can be hood but certain situations in my life has given me a more diplomatic approach to certain things but don’t get it twisted the hood in me isn’t going anywhere. I know I typed allot. If seem like a cat you can chat with hit me up. I'm far from shy.

40 Year Old · Male · From Greensboro, NC · Joined on July 27, 2009 · Born on November 10th
Someone calm cool and collected like myself, someone who knows when it time to have fun and when it time to be about business, AND NUMBER ONE HAVE SOME FUCKING SENSE DONT HAVE A DUMB ASS MENTALITY

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