today i have noticed to many guys are judgemental and it drivesme crazi. seriously here guys you judgin us based on how we look is not fair.i have a question since you judge us based on how we look wouldnt it b fair for us to judge you based on how big ur penis is ? seriously fair is fair. if ur gonna hit us with our looks and weight we mine as well do the same i dont know how many gurls agree with me but i kno that if sum one (girl) told a guy to drop his pants and lets see watcha got ? he wouldnt bcuz he would hopefully not b thinkn with it and say that its not fair. because if i did that to a guy and he said not fair i would tell him well it is fair cuz u b judgn me based on how i look why not judge u based on how big ur penis is.i dont kno how many gurlz r with me on dis one but hey if ur a GURL OR A GUY and you agree respond to dis. lata. pplz