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Alex's blog: "Journal"

created on 04/03/2007  |  http://fubar.com/journal/b70414


Well Well, it has been a few days since I lost wrote I understand, but to be quite honest there is not much to explain. The past week has actually been pretty quiet and uneventful, although I say this in each of my chapters. I have been watching several movies lately, I guess that I just get tired of being on computers 18-20 hours a day, but I suppose it is not as bad as when I am working. When I was working for TWC/RR (Time Warner Cable, RoadRunner), I worked anywhere from 8-14 hours, than came home only to be performing more work on the computer, get just an hour or so sleep and then go back for another 8-14 hour shift. YUCK! I messed up my DragonFable Mage a few days back. I went to train her 3 new stat points, my screen flickered and suddenly I had 33 stat points. I am not quite sure what happened but the computer untrained all of my stats and I had to delete my charactor. She was at level 12, and was carrying several unique items I CANNOT get back. However, I started a new Mage and I have him at level 7, almost 8 and have gained some new items that my old Mage couldn't get. I got bored... no surprise there and decided it was time for a Warrior. I suppose I am rambling on and on as usual, guess it's because I am rather tired and a bit hungry. Friday, 4/13/2007, I went to Dead Social Fest in ILL. I am not very good at sign, by my bilogical mother is studying to be an inturpretor, bothing signing and voicing. It was pretty cool, the winner for the Deaf Idor (Deaf Version of American Idol) was there, a few various stories and plays were performed, and there was even several jokes being told from time to time. It wasn't as fun without my baby, who felt pretty bad on Friday. She was at home, snuggled under the covers. Yesterday, we both slept rather late...try until about 8.45pm. We were so tired that WWIII could have started at the foot of our bed and we would have just rolled over and grunted. Well I guess that is about it, other than updating my websites, adding some new stuff to my CT page and working on DF and C&C. And as usual, saving the absolute best for last I LOVE YOU BABY!!! BTW...Everyone who reads this needs to go and visit my baby's page. My baby is the hott red head with the name tequila sunrise!!! Go rate her, fan her, read her blogs, look at her pics and check out her stash items. Once again LOVE YOU BABES


The past couple of days have been rather... uneventful as usual, well at least for the most part. Thursday was very cold yet again, so Lisa and I decided to just stay in bed, I think more than anything she secretly just likes laying next to a half naked Fire Fighter... But at the same time it was colder than hell... Either way it was wonderful. When we finally got the nerve to crawl out of bed, we realized we had to not only get up, but we had to go out... We were completely out of water and had to go and get the post for the day. Of course we had nothing of interresting in the post, but it was worth the try anyway. We got a few munchies at the store, along with our water. Sometime around 4 that afternoon, our friend James came over and brough his PS2. After his Mother calling and telling him to go about a thousand or so places and do another thousand or so things, we were finally able to sit down and play some Smackdown VS. Raw. Never played that game before, but it seemed rather interresting. I created a charactor, with the exception of the move sets and the fight was on. I of course lost very quickly, but I enjoyed the four and a half hours that we played, gave me something to do other than sit at my computer. I also got to play two missions of Grand Theft Auto, Vice City Stories, this is the newest GTA and I hadn't got to play it yet. Seems a bit odd, but I think I am going to enjoy it once I get my PS2 fixed. Ah, TGIF! This morning was just like all the rest, going to bed sometime between 2-6am... We went to bed around 3 I think and were promptly woken up at 9 by our Twilight Zone Bitch, better known as... our Land Lady! Once again banging away at the door like an Elephant were trying to hunch it, jiggling and grabbing at the door knob and screaming for one of us to answer the door. The first time she ever did this I ran to the door as it sounded like the mafia were only feet away trying to gain ground on her and corner her for a painful death!... Too bad this wasn't the case. I opened the door still half asleep to those same words I hear every month... although this time for the second time in less than a fuckin week... "Do you got my rent money", and of course I said hell no. I explained that the exterminator had arrived and srayed and we were now seeing less of the spiders and such. I also proceeded to tell her she needed to get the outlets fixed as I was tired of worrying if I was going to get electricuted or if the building would be set on fire simply from plugging something in. She bagan whining and bitching because I didn't have her money and yelled that I had better be gone by the time she gets back in a few days... I laughed and told her she can't vacate me any less than 30-60 days depending on the situation. She growled and yelled "JUST GET ME MY MONEY", I shut the door and went back to bed. I got back up later and went to get the post, of course we had nothing, I think today was a holiday. I went to the store and picked my baby up some CoCo Roos, Chocolate Iced Honey Bun, and a Cherry Coke and came home. I played on the computer for several hours, trying to advance on Chuzzle which I re-installed. I also downloaded Insaniquarium and Bookworm Adventures. I got pretty far on both. Finally my brother and I got together tonight to play some C&C online together. The first game was rather interresting, Nuclear Missles dropping, high powered Partical Lasers cutting through buildings, Tanks rolling through the trees, plaes whisping through the air, infantry clashing... whew! We decided to play against a Medium computer oppenent... and HOLY HELL! We finally won after about an hour. We went again and built up hard this time but in the expansion pack which I am awesome at. We took the Medium computer down fairly easy. The easy armoy however was actually kind of tough to narrow down his base. As soon as we would Nuke or Artillary Stike an area he would rebuild. We finally won and called it quits for the night. I got online and talked to my baby for a few minutes in CT messages. I bought her two more gifts, I think this makes about 25-30 I bought her, she is so proud of them. I posted a few things on CT, some news and such. I am pretty sore so I will be going to bed soom. Just want to say that I love you baby, I know your reading this!


Alright I tried starting this entry almost six hours ago and have been so many distractions that I am actually posting this on the 5th, but who actually pays attention to their calanders anyway... Although we had a lot of things happening around here today, everything was rather uneventful. The morning started out with the phone ringing rather early, I was too tired to even answer... Thank God for caller id and voicemail. Not ten minutes later my cell phone rang, this time I got up thinking it may have been someone trying to let me know Grandma had fallen again, I didn't recognize the number so I just let it go to voicemail. Turned out to be the Dr... After the excitement of the ringing phone, I went back to bed to try and rest... I didn't accomplish this as the exterminator knocked on the door ready to get to work. He baited and sprayed and such to get rid of our insect problems, spiders and the sort. After about an hour of working all over the place, he finally left. I laid back down, and wouldn't you know it, just as my eyes closed... Time Warner showed up! They only stayed a few minutes, someone tore the cable box apart outside and they had to put up a new one. Maybe this one will be ok for a while. After Time Warner left, I got fully dressed and went to pick up the post, got a rather nice surprise in doing so. Since last October my light bill has been around $200-$240, which is extremely high for here... I got put on a budget plan as I was barely able to make the rent payment, cable, phone and lights each month and still be able to get groceries, go to the doctor and get the general needs one must have such as medications and clothing. When I opened the KU (Kentucky Utilities) bill this morning I had to read the ammount twice, and even after doing so, asked the post mistress if I was reading the information correctly. I recieved a notice of $6.00 CR (credit) for this month's bill! For those of you who don't quite understand, this means rather than having to pay the light company, the light company had to pay ME this month. I came home and was finally able to get a few hours rest. Sometime after four pm this afternoon I woke up the whining, bitching, and screaming that is... Yahoo! I tried to get into Kentucky:7 to tell everyone to shut the hell up so I could sleep, but the room was full of bots and ignorant assholes so of course... I couldn't get in. After I tried for a few minutes I said forget it and got off the computer. Lisa and I up to Grandma's to deliver the mail, 3lbs of Tootsie Rools and a Cows Tail (the candy). This made Grandma light up like a new light bulb! I found a couple old two ways I had bought and decided I wanted to mess around with them, but of course the battery packs had run down after a year of non-use. I tore h alf the house apart looking for the power cord to the charger packs, and when I finally found it, the cord ripped apart... Lisa's cell phone charger just happens to be the exact same size and provides perfect power to the charger packs. I collected some old torphies and different odds and ends from my old room and brought them home. Somehow my glasses got stepped on, YES my $400 glasses. I think they got knocked off the kitchen table and I myself accident stepped on them not realizing that they were in the floor. Whatever the case they are severely bent. We did our best to straighten them, but they are still in bad shape. I can wear them but whew... you sure can tell that an elephant (me) stepped on them. Tonight we had our bi-weekly Fire Department meeting... If you would even call it that this week. We talked about some issues with our Asst. Cheif, discusses the annual Easter Egg Hunt for Saturday and how we planned to finish placing the new bay lights. We already have two of those mounted, along with a brand new alley light and front light just outside the two bays. Our new gear should be ready in about three weeks, although it won't be delivered for about six because the guy who normally brings us our gear and accessories will be on vacation. I am going to attemp to talk our Captain into giving me a Moterola CommTech Two-Way if any are still free. Anway, Kentucky:7 was full of drama tonight, people starting shit on everyone whether they were doing something or not. Someone started on my baby, I cut that shit into pieces right quick! Of course, I had to get my kicks in too, but thats another chapter of this book LoL. I guess that is about all. But of course I just wanted to say the most important thing of all, I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!


Yesterday was a frisby... I didn't get to bed until half way late in the morning, around 2 I think, and was already awake by 7:35. I wasn't awake but a minute and I fell right back to sleep... but of course that didn't last very long. I woke up to what sounded like a Gorilla humping my door, using a MAC truck as a strapon to do so... Most people knock, or knock firmly, NOT my land lady..... I opened the door in rather a foul mood to start with, and what to my wondering ears should I hear but the annoying sound of "The Twilight Bitch" asking "Do ya got my rent money?"... urghhhh. I of course said NO! She replied with a half screached... "WHAT!?", and I saw that it was time to educate her. I made sure to use little words, but of course, that didn't help, she still needed a dictionary to understand any other words that didn't stard with R and end with ENT or M ending with ONEY... The apartment is, and always has been in rather bad shape. When Lisa and I moved in, we were informed that the kitchen flooded slightly when it rained heavily, hmmm ok that is fixable NOOO problem! What wasn't mentioned was the following... The electrical outlets are old, miswired and damaged. The stove heating elements are damaged and malfunctioning. The refridgerator, except when turned on 1 (the lowest settings) acts more as a freezer, making liquids into icey's and some foods glazed with frost from the cold. Around the back door are large cracks that, in the daytime you can see light perfectly, at nightime you can take even the cheapest flashlight with the oldest and cheapest batteries and see light as if it were noon on a clear spring day... The bathroom heater, is a baseboard heater and doesn't have the front protective grate and is badly malfunctioning... All the heat travels up the wall behind the heater causing the wall to turn a dark brown almost black as if it's trying to burn the wall. The kitchen window had large gaping holes around it that had to be sealed with silicone... The baseboard in the kicten had to be sealed... TWICE due to such heavy flooding the first layer actually washed away after it was dried... The storage room just out from the kitchen has press board for walls and is pressed outward due to excessive cold and water damage. The bedroom floor is sinking around the middle due to unlevel ground the baseboard leak and the window had to be sealed... In the living room, the main window near the front door NEEDS to be sealed, as well as the one on the far wall... Around the air conditioner needs to be grape foamed to seal the large gaping holes... Around the front door also needs to be sealed due to excessive air holes... Near the front door is an outlet that USED to hang out in the floor, wires and the conductor box EXPOSED... The land lady "FIXED" this by straping part of the wires, rehooking them to the conductor box, and placing a metal plate visable just behind the main outlet face plate... The apartment used to flood, including the bathroom, hallway between the kitchen and bathroom, bedroom and especially the living room, due to the city workers not maintaining the ditch lines and run off lines... The carpet due to excessive water intake into the apartment is damaged and molded in several places, near the baseboard and where furniture had been sitting... The guttery weren't half hung, and still aren't fully connected although they are actually hung slightly better than before... The roof leaks in three places in the living room, in front of the TV, middle of the room and right in front of my desk, really pisses me off when I am trying to work and there is a great big rain hitting us... Since the DAY we moved in, we've had bug problems, we spend $20-30 a MONTH on Raid spray trying to get rid of them, although we have thinned them out to a point, they are still very numerous and annoying, we are now getting Brown Raclous (ignore spelling) spiders... The front window was cracked by kids throwing rocks, she refuses to replace the window although it's not busted out, it needs to be fixed before they create that issue fromt he damage already done! NOW, even through all of these issues the land lady has performed the following solutions (besides the outlet issue)... For the flooding issue she had a ditch dug from the back of the apartment around my side of the building to the sidewalk... the sidewalk end of this ditch collapsed on the sides ceating a large dirt pile... In the back of the ditch, a large water hole, perfect for Misquitoes and other bugs... In the middle, uneven ground, wrose than before the ditch was even dug! I was told that I would have to fix the roof myself, now my land lady claims we will have to wait until it's hot so the tar will stick well... 80 degrees isn't hot enough? WTF A second solution to the flooring... a new front sidwalk... Ok so she raised the concrete 3" from it's previous state... wow it still pools on the sidewalk and tries to flood into the living room... BIG HELP! The underpenning near the gutters was changed from rotted wood to new plastique underpenning... The cracks in the brick where the building has shifted was covered over with the same plastique underpenning... As for the bug problems... Dollar Store ant and roach motels... that have been used for a few years in this building, they act as a feast, and although we told her DO NOT BRING THEM... she brought them..... As for the spiders... she refuses to spray We now have issues from time to time with our Toilot backing up, the tub clogging quite regularly, the bathroom sink has leaked since we moved in... it was "fixed" once, but the leak never stopped... our hot water time in the shower is around 1-2 minutes at the most, two is like... don't use hot water for three days... After explaining all of these issues to the land lady and requesting they be attended to, she has this to say... "I am going out of town until Tuesday"... Translating to, "Give me money, I am going on a trip, I will not fix anything but you need to pay me or I won't have enough money to go on my four trips this month, pay for my three BMW's and my big house..." I called the Fire Marshal twice, Health Department Twice, the Fire Marshal has already ridden her hard over not having smoke or fire alarms in the apartments and renting them... She was also written up by the State Fire Marshal for not attending to hazerdous issues and they are none too happy to recieve my second phone call. The Health Department has yet to assist me in this issues, but I have gotten enough information to contact the State Board of Health, they won't be too pleased to hear from me by the end of our conversation. Now I realize that I am playing with fire, but hey it's what I do for a living so I guess this is just another day at the office... LoL. Well, on to the next event of my life. G.R.I.T.S., the public transportation service for disabled citizens screwed up yet ANOTHER of Lisa's Dr. appointsments by NOT putting it into the system, this is #7... I have already called the main branch manager TWICE and this is still continuing... Well I called Mom, who drove almost an hour just to pick us up to go to the Dr, tabaco store, Wal-Mart and Subway before returning home to unload all our newly acquired junk... Across the street there was a fight that was called out over ths canner, so of course Lisa and I had to investigate... We thought of making popcorn and grabbing a soda, walking right up and sitting on the officer's hood who responded, making the comment, "We were bored and couldn't hear you bitching so we decided to get closer...", but of course we didn't. One person was sent home, one almost arrested and the other we're not sure. We do know that charges were brough up on violation of a Kentucky E.P.O. (Emergency Protection Order)... whoops, too bad for them! Other than that, we have basically been listening to music and talking to friends. Of course I was working on my game guide, trying to get part of it started. Whew it's tiring! Newho, I guess that is my life for yesterday... What today holds... I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! Howver I do know... THAT I LOVE YOU LISA!
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