She didn't even wait for the cars to pull away, or for the bullet to stop raining down. She couldn't smell the burned rubber or the blood pouring onto the ground. All she saw was teh look on his face as he slowly went down.
The only thing she heard was her heartbeat racing, then suddenly, stop. Her legs were racing foward before her brain sent the message. She hit her knees horrifyed. Her expression as grave as his own.
There was only silence as she held him in her arms.
Her tongue found what to say to reassure them both.
"It's okay, you'll be fine. Everything will be alright! Please!?" The word had found it's way there by mistake. At first his cold hand grasped hers tightly with agony. Then softly he'd carrass her face with one last grin as she felt the tears slip down. She stroaked his dark hair from his now paled face and watched the light slowly fade from his brown eyes, unblinking. She forced the hand to hold her face again, but it went limp.
Fear was replaced with panic. She let out a scream the world would hear. "Help!!! Someone Help!!!" but there was no one coming for him. She pressed and held his lifeless body to hers. She would cry and shake over him wailing. Demanding "Why!?" from god, as her clothes absorbed his shed blood. Begging a trade, or maybe putting an end to her own life, she was furious when she found him without his gun.
Left with nothing to take the pain, she wept, and hard. They pryed her from his body, enraged with woe. Finally they all fled.
She pushed the door ajar and let the keys find the floor on their own, as if they were to heavy to carry with such a heavy soul. Her pace lead her through the empty apartment to the bathroom, where she stood infront of the mirror, staring through it. She didn't recognize herself. Her mind produced not a single thought, dulled by emptiness.
The blood was everywhere, on her face, hands, and in her clothes. It was dried now and sticky. She stepped into the shower fully clothed as hot water fell from the showerhead. It'd run cold before anyone found her, hours later, crouched, emotionless, at the bottom of the tub. Her face blank and white while water ran over her. She was if anything left of her had simply washed down the drain.