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32 Year Old · Male · From Rutherford College, NC · Joined on August 23, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!


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Contact Information:

Yahoo Messenger: Dukefan_97@yahoo.com

Skype Name: Joeyy.Jamess

Cell Number: Ask for it (I don't give it out to everyone).


My Life:

First off before I go into detail I want to say thank you to the ones here that make a part of my life meaningful. I love my friends and family, I know who my friends are and who are not. Obviously if you don't talk to me you aren't really a friend your just a number count and I will delete you.
So with that down I would like to tell you a little about my life.

My name is Joseph James. I am a city boy tho i live in the country with my aunt and uncle. Personally I hate everything about the country. There is never anything to do. I live in North Carolina.

I would love to just ramble on forever about myself but just in short: My life goals are to make something of myself and pursue a career in graphic designing and game art. I have been designing for going on four years. It is my life, I spend about five hours a day within four main graphic programs (Maya/Photoshop/Gimp/Unity). If I could pick one thing to set my life it would be music.

I personally value music and think in all ways it describes a persons life and who they are within. I was adopted at the age of ten so you may say I have some emotional issues regarding parents, who I may trust, and who is meaningful in my life. You may also give me that emo/scene label if you like I really Don't give a fuck it is my life I run it the way I please. If you don't like that, why the hell are you still reading this? Get the fuck off my page.

I am a friendly guy once u get to know me. I do not do so hot with sluts skanks or hoes (are they all not the same thing?) Well I am going to wrap this up now by saying PDP you are the best fucking lounge ever and I am glad to be part of staff. Rock out!

What are you waiting for add me and chat with me

Donate Toward my Angel|Demon Rank: My FuPal

32 Year Old · Male · From Rutherford College, NC · Joined on August 23, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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