48 Year Old
Invited by: Thugdude·
Joined on May 29, 2007
Born on April 1st
not alot to tell, if there is something you want to know ask, I mean everybodies favorite subject seems to be themselves so........ "O" I hate phones!
48 Year Old
Invited by: Thugdude·
Joined on May 29, 2007
Born on April 1st
still figureing that out, like the sports, almost like playing them more then watching them, I guess I get pretty stoked over football, I couldnt tell you how many altercations I have been in the last year over my team{9ers}, I dig the outside period, I work out there, so chilling out there is like home to me!
I love music man, name it I probably have it, from hip hop to rock, rap to slow crap, been listening to fort minor pretty hard of late, but I see linken park has a new one out so LO
Video Games
Havent been playing alot of video games of late, but this online poker has been dictateing my life of late, seems I might just be alittle addicted, but hell wouldnt you be if you were winning too? Besides most of the systems cost more them a computer now days!
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