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DJ SirJim's blog: "Jim's Soapbox"

created on 10/08/2006  |  http://fubar.com/jim-s-soapbox/b11538


OK it is SO rare that I get on a soapbox. But what the heck is the definition of NSFW here??? I have friends who have had pictures marked NSFW with themselves FULLY clothed but showing a bit of cleevage marked as NSFW. Then I see someone who has a gif as their main picture annimated as FLIPPING US OFF. It was marked as NSFW, but 5 min later was unmarked. Since when has any large corporation in the U.S. allowed any of their employees to flip someone off and not be imiddiately taken to human resources???? I am not a prude... I do not really care what Fubar allows and doesn't. But I thought that the NSFW meant it was NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I am tired of the hipocracy. Either mark ALL photos showing anything rude, crude, or slightly sexually revealing as NSFW or DROP IT and allow everything. If the goal was to make Lost Cherry / Cherry Tap / Fubar safe to be able to be viewed at work, then do not allow such photos as the STRICTIST of copanies would allow you to post on your cubical wall. (Not to mention, find a name that they would actually be proud to have on their front loby billboard). If this is NOT what the intent was... then what was it and why call it NSFW. Why dont you call it something like "My friend is not a bouncer so my picture cannot be used". Honnestly, think about something as simple of changing NSFW to TOS (Terms of Service) or something if you are not going to follow what IS or IS NOT HONNESTLY SAFE FOR WORK.

BDSM Symbol

emblem4.jpg The BDSM Emblem has no "obvious" symbolism because it was created to be enigmatic. To the vanilla observer who would be put off by BDSM, it is merely an attractive piece of jewelry. Thus, we can wear it freely as a friendly salute, nod, and wink to other BDSMers we should happen to pass on the sidewalks and in the hallways of our daily lives. To the insider, however, the Emblem is full of meaning. The three divisions represent the various threesomes of BDSM. First of all, the three divisions of BDSM itself: B&D, D&S, and S&M. Secondly, the three-way creed of BDSM behavior: Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Thirdly, the three divisions of our community: Tops, Bottoms, and Switches. It is this third symbolism that gives meaning to the holes in each unit. Since BDSM is at the very least a play style and at its greatest a love style, the holes represent the incompleteness of any individual within the BDSM context. However "together" and "whole" individuals may be, there remains a void within them that can only be filled by a complimentary other. BDSM cannot be done alone. The resemblance to a three-way variation on the Yin-Yang symbol is not accidental. As the curved outline of Yin and Yang represent the hazy border between where one ends and the other begins, so do the curved borders here represent the indistinct divisions between B&D, D&S, and S&M. The metal and metallic color of the medallion represents the chains or irons of BDSM servitude/ownership. The three inner fields are black, representing a celebration of the controlled dark side of BDSM sexuality. The curved lines themselves can be seen as a stylized depiction of a lash as it swings, or even an arm in motion to deliver an erotic spanking. The all-embracing circle, of course, represents the overlying unity of it all and the oneness of a community that protects its own.


OK can SOMEONE explain to me why this picture image.php?u=145389&i=2628733835&tn=1 is not acceptable as a Salute. Here is EXACTLY what the FAQ says... What are Cherry Salutes? --------------- A salute is a candid photo of yourself proving to the world that you're the real person behind your CherryTAP profile. Your face should be clearly visible, along with your homepage on your computer in the background, a hand written note with your name, or while wearing a site t-shirt. All Salutes are approved by the CherryTAP bouncers. Using fake or bogus photos will result in your account being removed. --------------- So what did I do wrong? Do I need to put my member number on the sign? Is it because I am ugly and have a face for Radio? I don't get it. I will try one more and add the number, but Where does it say in the faq that I need it? Oh well I guess if I lose my account for having too many Salute attempts... it has been fun knowing you all. LOL!

Hey all!!!!

I am away for the weekend and will be back on monday. I am jamming with the band and making some new recordings. Originals this time. Woo hoo! See you then and love you all!

What do you think

OK, this face recognition program picked these celebrities that I supposedly look like... what do you think. (I always thougt I had Tim Curry's smile).

Been Away

I want to appologize to all my friends on here for not being around lately. First of all I have been building my business of web page design and it is growing. Second and even more cool (as far as fun goes), I have speant the last 2 weeks getting ready to be an online DJ. I will be starting my Radio Show tomorrow. It is on: Hotrocks.gif It is the Mid Morning Madness with Sir Jim Show and will air every Mon, Wed and Thur from 9:00 am to Noon (Eastern Standard Time). PLEASE, listen in and send me your requests! I look forward to playing what you want to hear. Make sure you put your name in your request, so I know it is you. (You can also say from Lost Cherry if you wish or Cherry Tap or whatever we are called now..) Love you all and I promise to be on more often now! 79034f77.gif
I just received an instant message from a good friend of mine telling me about how her children are doing in school. One made the A-B Honor roll and is asked to be in Beta Club. The other almost got on the honor roll but recieved 1 C. Before I get rolling here, let me say I AM VERY HAPPY that her kids are doing well. I LOVE to see kids do well in school. HOWEVER WHEN IN THE WORLD did the honor roll become an A-B Honor Roll. When I was growing up (which I think I am still doing) you had to have ALL A's. It is this type of lowering the standards that I feel we are teaching our children that it is ok to not strive for the best. Universities are lowering SAT score standards, Kids play soccer but no team loses because they do not keep score, Children are required to wear helmuts and knee pads when riding a bike because we are afraid they will get scraped and bruised, we no longer teach music and art in school because it doesn't bring the money in like sports and we wouldn't want anyone to get a well rounded education, and the list goes on and on (just like this run-on sentence). I keep seeing signs that we have turned into a society of mediocrity. My fear is that we are giving children false expectations. The honor roll used to be for the top of the class. Now it appears that that almost anyone can do it without much effort. However when they get to the real world they will find out that the world does not owe them anything, and that you will get hurt and need to know how to pick yourself up and cary on. The spoils go to those that put in the effort and are determined. Again, these are just my thoughts and you may totaly disagree with me. I just hate seeing the US education slip away while we outsource our tech jobs to India and everything else to China. If we are to survive, we need to teach kids how to dream, strive, work, and improve. grad-pete.jpg
OK, enough is enough for me anyways! I have made a vow that if a bulliten comes my way that has anything to do with drama, I am going to help try to stop it by simply NOT REPOSTING IT. I hope this does not upset any of my friends because they may be on one side of it or another. I just think life is too short to worry about the little stuf, and there is no big stuff. What I wish Cherry would do is make it so I can delete individual bullitens fom my home page. That way I do not have to look at it until it finaly scrolls away. If you agree then please also make this suggestion. I hated Highschool the first time around... I do not want to relive it! 2631173416.jpg
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