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Stats for Mar 13

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Female · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st · I have a crush on someone!
Female · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st · I have a crush on someone!

hi im jenn n juice

Female · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st · I have a crush on someone!
art. music. dancing. freezer pops. traveling. partying. chillin. video games. swimming. basketball. bbq. beach. halo. ++++

Your Sex Sign is...
You're a 22nd century lover - without any rules or hangups.
You're a typical 'trysexual'... well versed in the bedroom and curious about everything you haven't tried.
You give everyone you run into the most exotic sex ever.

Aquarius, you are a 22nd century sexual being.
Your tastes and attitudes are totally futuristic.

You are very adventurous and curious about everything.
Aquarians are the 'seekers' of the Zodiac.
You aren't posessive or materialistic - and you make your own rules.

Your sexual personality is exotic and bohemian.
You love to talk about sex - anywhere, anytime.
You enjoy hearing about other people's sexual exploits, and you completely unshockable.

You reached sexual maturity at an early age.
You have had many varied sexual relationships, and you have dabbled in just about anything - if only for the experience.
Above all, you aspire to become better and better in bed.
You love to be taught new sexual tricks.

You love to experiment seuxally.
You have a preference for the most exotic sex positions - Hindu, Japanese, and especially Tantric.

'What is your Sex Sign?'

at QuizUniverse.com

Video Games
xbx360 - halo 12&3. gears of war. uno. fable. + and growing
wii - resident evil chronicles. mario galaxy. + and growing

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