This being my first blog i'll tell somethings about myself along with whats happening..
My name is jessica. I am 20 years old, i love animals, mostly dogs. i have a jack russell named priss which i have had for 7-8 years. I'm 5'7 *mostly legs and hair..* i LOVE music of all kinds, and i really enjoy reading.. i prefer the company of dogs, books, and weed over just about everyone.. except my soon-to-be/already is family and my wonderful boyfriend.. I would like to either become a vet asst. or a fat fucking slob.. fuck whatever comes first. i might go into the same field as my mom... doubtful but hell x-ray techs make the money and its not too difficult..
Tonight is really a lonely night.. My lil sis started school back, today was her first day adn im really proud of her. i cant stay with her anymore on school nights though so that sucks. but at least she's gonna fucking graduate.. I was worried for a while that she might not go back. I'm really proud of you Whitney. aaron and lil brother are coming home friday but i'll be at work.. i was thinkin about takin the night off because i just work at bingo selling tips, but i dunno if i will be able to or not.. my brother is suppose to be talkin to my dad about lettin a girl fill in for me that way i can spend a little bit more time with aaron while he's home. dunno how thats gonna turn out..
until i write again