37 Year Old
From Batavia, OH·
Joined on March 3, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 15th
·1 referrals joined!
The name is Jessica, I am a 21 year old who is outgoing and loving every minute of life.I became a mommy on January 10th at 6:12am to a beautiful little girl that we named Torri Arlane. She weighed 5lbs 11ozs and was 19.5inches long. I have never been so happy! My daughter and Kenny are the two things that make me want to live everyday! Kenny you are awesome, thank you for being such a great boyfriend and daddy! Besides learning how big of a responsibility being a mom is, I am just learning life's lessons as I go day by day. Things change on a day to day basis you never know what is going to happen so don't live in the past live for tomorrow and what is in store. Any questions don't hesitate to ask, I will answer anything I am not afraid to tell the truth.
37 Year Old
From Batavia, OH·
Joined on March 3, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 15th
·1 referrals joined!