From Denver, CO·
Joined on July 19, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 17th
I have a crush on someone!
TG Currently on HRT waiting for March 5th 2010 for my full SRS!
I have a great personality with quick wit. I love who I have finally become over the last 16 months of my transition. If only back in the 70's attitudes were like they are now, I could have had this happiness! Oh well, I'm there now and that's what counts. I approach each day like it is my last, and I believe that with this attitude, my presence in today's society has allowed me to bring out my true female self without the fear of becoming rejected and thought of as 'weird.' I've actually made more friends now than at any other time in my life. I've heard form others that in person I appear to have strong confidence, and walk in such a way that shows everyone around me, viewing this 'person' that I am human, I am honest, and very proud to have the where-with-all to do something for my life that makes me the happiest person that one could ask to be. I say to anyone out there that is 'hiding' something that they know truly in their hearts they should be or do, to JUST DO IT! You will be surprised of the change in your life that will come! In closing I have to give a heart full of thanks to my job for allowing me to finally 'come out' with this. It is actually the first public place that I showed up as Jennifer. Open to all questions, no matter what they are, so let me know. Be safe-play safe and try to be accepting to every human being! Muahhhh!
I love women, always have, always will. When growing up I hung out with my mom and my sister (irritated my dad to no end-lol) I tolerate males because I know that somewhere out there is one that doesn't treat women like 2nd class people, and treats them with dignity and respect, but they just don't have a clue as what the term 'Basking in the after-glow' means. Just roll over and go to sleep. I want someone that will allow me to give them my all from the first eye contact to the final last kiss before falling asleep either holding a hand or cuddling softly. So guys.....do take heed to this, read the profile (maybe learn from it) and don't bother with contacting me keeping in mind that I am not a male basher/hater, I just don't want to be with one. I'll party with you all, but not go home with you. Key word here ALL LESBIAN...OK? Thanks :-) http://myspace.com/mzabsolut2u
From Denver, CO·
Joined on July 19, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 17th
I have a crush on someone!