62 Year Old
From Connellsville, PA·
Invited by: DeViLs PLaYtHiN...·
Joined on December 28, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 27th
I have a crush on someone!
62 Year Old
From Connellsville, PA·
Invited by: DeViLs PLaYtHiN...·
Joined on December 28, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 27th
I have a crush on someone!
62 Year Old
From Connellsville, PA·
Invited by: DeViLs PLaYtHiN...·
Joined on December 28, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 27th
I have a crush on someone!
@ fubaralso check my skins,blogs,lounge and Train http://fubar.com/bulletins.php?b=2845439930If you like to join my train read the fair on the post and if you like to join my lounge you can click on the banner below to go and subscribe Have an amazing Day!Thank you for all the love.Hugs & kisses. WildCat
Came across your page and thought id drop by and say Hi! Rated and fanned you too! If you could do the same that would be GREAT!The rate is the 10 cherry under the main pic and friend and fan is below that a line or two! If you have already, thanks so much!Have a fantastic New Years!*smooches*~Temptress~ imikimi - Customize Your World
You MUST pass this angel on to at least 3 people within the hour of receiving this email.After you do, make a wish.If you have passed it on, your wish will come true and love will come your way shortly.You're...My friend,My companion,Through good times and bad,My friend,My buddy,Through happy and sad,Beside me you stand,Beside me you walk,You're there to listen,You're there to talk,With happiness,With smiles,With pain and tears,I know you'll be there, throughout the years!You are all good friends to mEe and I am grateful to you.Send this to all your good friends online to show them you are friends.If you get this back from:1 person - you are lonely2 people - you have a couple friends, but not many3 people - you have a few friends...4 people - you have some friends...5 people - you have several friends!!6 people - you have many friends!!7 people - you are SOOOO loved!!!
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