39 Year Old
From Pembroke, NC·
Joined on December 3, 2009
Born on October 28th
Well I'm 24 and starting college in the spring. Only going to this campus for spring semester then pickin up and going to ???? well transfering somewhere, so we'll see how that goes for me. Plan on getting my degree in accounting but who know's if that will change. When I have more time I'll add to this but for now this will have to do.
39 Year Old
From Pembroke, NC·
Joined on December 3, 2009
Born on October 28th
Eh I'm 24 but I'm into rock climbing and mostly the outdoors. Not so much the beach though, I'll take the mountains any day of the week over the beach. Love hiking and well... camping is ok but I don't do it often enough to really claim it. Not really sure what's going on with this site since I just joined so we'll see how that goes for me...
Welcome to the party!NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE, THE FUN CAN BEGIN!AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA! Swing by *If you like* read profile page and enjoy yourself. From Your Friendly Neighborhood, LadyByrd02I'm also on TWITTER, follow me *JudgeladyByrd02*For the latest news!