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Points: 3,856

Stats for Mar 4

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45 Year Old · Male · From Fresno, CA · Joined on May 21, 2007 · Born on January 20th
45 Year Old · Male · From Fresno, CA · Joined on May 21, 2007 · Born on January 20th

I'm the nuttykilla they call Jay, I'm 26 and from Fresno Ca but currently stuck in Fort Hood Texas (A.K.A Pergatory.) as apart of my service obligation to the Armed Forces. Once its complete in july I plan on going to college so I can increase my money making potential:) If you want to know something just ask.

45 Year Old · Male · From Fresno, CA · Joined on May 21, 2007 · Born on January 20th
O.k get ready. Slayer, System of a down, Deftones, old school Metallica, old school Guns n' Roses, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Megadeth, selected Iron Maiden, Silent Civilian, N.W.A, Andre Nickatina, Toby Keith, Grateful Dead, Wu Tang Clan, 2Pac before he died not the hits from beyond the grave, Korn, Bob Marley, Led Zepplin, Peter Tosh, Pink Floyd, Cypress Hill, Rage Against The Machine, Stone Temple Pilots, Sepultura, Pantera, Tool, Credance Clearwater Revival, A Perfect Circle.............................. It goes on like the energizer bunny.

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