Welcome to Fubar, I left ya a 10 to get you started....Want To Meet Cool and Funny People ? Look no Further Than The Snake Bite Radio Lounge A Group of funny down to Earth People Who Like To Chat and listen to good Music. Make music request to Live DJ's and have a good time. Make sure to tell them NYAG sent ya!!!For a Limited Time Everyone with A Saluted Profile that Joins Snake Bite Radio will be entered into the drawing for a FREE 15 Oz. Snake Bite Radio Coffee Mug. We will draw one a week for 4 weeks. First drawing will be Friday April 25th. Must be Lisntning to Snake Bite Radio or in a Lounge Streaming Snake Bite Radio to conact The DJ within 5 Min when the winning name is called if drawed name does not contact the DJ within 5 Min another name will be called.Click on the Picture Below to enter the Lounge.
Hey whats up?? Dont forget to come by and say hi! I am always looking for new friends, fans, and so on :P Oh yeah and dont for get to:Check out my kickass clothing line below!We have weekly Fubar contests for free tee's! You just have to submit a photo wearing one of our shirts for a chance to win 100,000 Fubucks! Limit 1 Photo Entry Per Person/Week.We have weekly Fubar contests for free tee's! You just have to submit a photo wearing one of our shirts for a chance to win 100,000 Fubucks! Limit 1 Photo Entry Per Person/Week.