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43 Year Old · Female · From Provo, UT · Joined on July 1, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th
43 Year Old · Female · From Provo, UT · Joined on July 1, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th

I love my life I live for me which might sound a little selfish but I only have my life so I'm doing it my way. I am 27 and I live in an apartment but I live alone and I love it. i have never been married and I dont have children but I do love kids however I'm not really looking for anyone who wants kids at this point. I'm going to school for massage therapy and I am super excited about that. I have alot of my needs in life meet lights, power, food, entertainment, and good friends and family. I am a server for the time being and i love the freedom and ability it brings into my life. I love people especially ones who have really sexy tattoos and piercing's but I'm looking for a bad boy with a heart and loyalty I dont need someone perfect but I'd like someone sexy and with a future I dont really want a guy who cant survive in his own. I drink and smoke but I could let go of cigarette's if they would stop sending me coupons. I belive in respect and honesty I am very blunt though and I really cant stand a liar or a cheat. I believe all people have a right to be themselves and if you cant except me for me and you for you then we aren't ment for each other. I am creative and complicated and very observent and beautiful to many but my beauty doesn't impress me I'm just a girl.


43 Year Old · Female · From Provo, UT · Joined on July 1, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th
I have tons of intrests one is creating and expressing my self in this digital world we live In. I love going to the movies I go to the movies like once a week I cant wait to see transformers I've seen a lot of really cool movies lately I saw land of the lost wih Will ferrel who I love I think he's hillarious. I saw stepbrothers a million times already and I still think it's funny.I also recently saw The Hangover which I thought was great I love over the top movies that keep you shocked and laughing. I love 3D movies the best of all I saw Up, Monsters Vs Aliens, Coraline, and My Bloody Valentine I will see any 3D movie up coming Ice Age and The Final Destinaton. I love going dancing and singing you could definatley find me at the club having tons of fun I love moving all around the roon talking to everyone. I'm confident I love being me I'm fearless and I love having fun all the time.


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