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48 Year Old · Male · From Madison, WI · Joined on April 20, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 15th · 7 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
48 Year Old · Male · From Madison, WI · Joined on April 20, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 15th · 7 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Myspace Countdown Clock

Lets101 - Online Dating

Create a Lava Lamp

We are a fun loving pair that loves a good time ,wether partying with friends or chillin on fubar .hit us up we love luvvin Smile2.gifWe both love making friends and are almost always together .Music, outdoors, cooking out ,bars ,and pretty much anything else you can have a good time at ,is us.Hopin to meet new friends here so stop by and say ~HIGH~:)!We live in WI now but originally James is from SC and Ashley was born and raised in TN.Please sign our guest book it makes us smile :)!!!!!



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48 Year Old · Male · From Madison, WI · Joined on April 20, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 15th · 7 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

What interests a couple like us..We can't live without our music, anything and everything from Manson to Sinatra, Marley to Hank Williams Jr. We love being in nature bonfires, hiking, chillin by the lake, boating,and camping. We love interacting with people we are both very social outgoing peeps.We like to drink and chill with friends, we like going out and hangin at the bar till bartime and headin to all nighters afterwards, and we like chillin at home snugglin in bed and watchin movies, and of course hangin here with all the wonderful people that we have met.Any where you can find a good time you can find us.check us out sometime at http://www.fubar.com/lounge/67329 and have a drink on us!or at http://www.fubar.com/lounge/67965 hope to see ya there


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I do not think there is any one person that I idolize there are to many great people throughout time to narrow it down.
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