Ever wonder WHY? people have to lie about themselves just to get attention! Sitting here reading anothers' profile saddened my spirit. I want to scream at that particular person. Rather than waste my time all I can say is SHAME ON YOU! We all have histories some rather bleak others rather lifting. So why make up a history that if anyone truely cared for you would background check. It is fortunate I know this particular person and the whole entire truth of their being. Or I could be sucked into the lies portrayed and the identity hidden in the fairytale life of accomplishments and duties. I wish I could hug that singular soul and let them see someone cares for them and not the lies they have created to make others want to even talk to them, let alone meet them. Then they wonder why whom they meet turns out to be flakey and a bit quirky. Its because they weren't honest of themselves.To that person, I have loved you and I have walked from you, yet, I am here typing this to you because I know you will read my page like usual. Take care, Chatter.