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Join Over One Hundred Million People In The Boycott Of Chinese Products Join Us Today in the boycotting of all Chinese products. Look for products made in countries other than China first, because you can find them for the same prices even in the Dollar Stories. There are even plenty of American made products that are out there if you take the time to look. Please repost this message and bring up the topic of the poisoned Chinese Goods everywhere. 1) China poisons millions of people worldwide with it's contaminated products. 2) China uses Slave and Child Labor 3) Chima has some of the worst employee saftey records in the eintire world. 4) China has one of the worst environmental records on the planet. 5) China supplies weapons to our enemies all over the world. 6) China has cost US tens of millions of decent paying jobs. 7) Chinese quality control is abominable 8) China dumps it's poisoned and shoddily made products all over the planet Please join over one hundred million people who already are boycotting Chinese Goods. * * * Please Repost This Message Everywhere. Mothers don't let your children join the Army, because George Bush has dumped 4.5 Billion grams of Radioactive waste all over Iraq. Yes, American weapons are tipped with Uranium a deadly radioactive poisonous material in defiance of the Geneva Convention. The usage of poisoned bullets and bombs is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention and is a WAR CRIME. 350,000 or almost 3 out of every 5 soldiers that served in the first Bush Iraq War is now out on DISABILITY because of Gulf War syndrome. During that First Gulf War Only one tenth of the poisonous and deadly radioactive Uranium was spread in Iraq as in the Current Bush Iraq War. This Time a Bush has spread 10 times as much destruction. Thanks to George W Bush If you serve in Iraq you will breathe, eat, drink and absorb thru your skin radioactive waste since Uranium Bullets and bombs burn and become a fine dust which is spread everywhere. And Courtesy of George Bush In the next 14 years 3 out of 5 of you will have cancers and other disabilites that will plague you for the rest of your lives. Howard Scott Pearlman http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Recall_Bush Please Help Spread This Message Bush Will Stay In Iraq So That He Bush Can Continue To Steal The Iraqi Oil. Bush has stolen over $100 billion worth of Iraqi oil so far and Bush intends to steal at least another $100 billion worth of Iraqi oil during the next 2 years. Bush steals the oil via a secret oil pipeline Bush had built linking the oil fields of Iraq to the Kuwaiti oil pipelines. Bush stashes the stolen oil money cash in Kuwaiti banks. 3665 Dead American Troops In Iraq, 27,104 seriously wounded and over 630,000 dead Iraqis of which 475,000 are innocent women and children all because Bush LIED. Bush And The Republican Party Allowed Big Oil To Price Gouge America. George Bush and Tony Blair have committed the utterly horrible WAR CRIME of Poisoning an entire country. Bush and Blair have by their command spread over 10 million pounds or 4.5 biiion grams of radioactive dust and particles all over Iraq. These radioactive elements will cause birth defects and death to millions of childern for generation after generation. Howard Scott Pearlman * * * Please Repost This Very Important Message All Over The Internet Skimming Biodiesel Seaweed and vegetable oil off the Ocean will save the fish from dying in a red tide and provide free energy. According to ADM biodiesel can be made from seaweed now. Have you ever been swimming in the ocean in late August in New Jersey? If you have you come out of the ocean covered in a thin film of vegetable oil. Skimming off the oil and seaweed before a red tide starts would save the fish and provide a free source for biodiesel fuels. Howard Scott Pearlman Pearlman For Congress 08-04-2007 * * * Please help spread this message all over the internet Energy solution Associated Press file bilde? http://cmsimg.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde? Clouds cover Mount San Jacinto as windmills turn in Palm Springs, Calif. Courier Post Comment Monday, April 16, 2007 America has wasted $400 billion on the war in Iraq. For the same $400 billion, we could have built 400,000 windmills costing $1 million each. Every windmill would have provided electricity for 300 homes. All of the windmills combined would provide electricty for 120 million homes. Studies in Minnesota have proved that windmills pay for themselves in seven years. This is clean energy that produces no global warming gases. If America wanted to, it could install and produce all 400,000 windmills in five years for a cost of $80 billion a year. America's solution to our energy crisis is blowing in the wind. HOWARD SCOTT PEARLMAN Cherry Hill http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070416/OPINION/704160308/1047 Bush & The Republican Party Allowed Big Oil To Price Gouge America The Proof is In the Pricing. There are 42 gallons in a barrel. It takes a rise in oil of $42 to cause a dollar increase in gasoline. The Price of Oil has risen $10.50 in the last 6 months. This corresponds to a 25 cent increase per gallon. Yet we see a $1.00 rise in the price of gasoline. You see the Republican Party & Bush have allowed the Oil Companies to Price Gouge the American People all along. Demand that The House and The Senate Investigate this price gouging and Impeach Bush and Cheney. Howard Scott Pearlman * * * Please Repost This Very Important Message All Over The Internet Bush & The Republican Party Allowed Big Oil To Price Gouge America The Proof is In the Pricing. There are 42 gallons in a barrel. It takes a rise in oil of $42 to cause a dollar increase in gasoline. The Price of Oil has risen $10.50 in the last 6 months. This corresponds to a 25 cent increase per gallon. Yet we see a $1.00 rise in the price of gasoline. You see the Republican Party & Bush have allowed the Oil Companies to Price Gouge the American People all along. Demand that The House and The Senate Investigate this price gouging and Impeach Bush and Cheney. Howard Scott Pearlman * * * Please Repost This Very Important Message All Over The Internet Bush's Iraq Surge Is A Failure Please Copy & Repost Jan-04 47 Jan-05 107 Jan-06 62 Jan-07 83 Feb-04 20 Feb-05 58 Feb-06 55 Feb-07 80 Mar-04 52 Mar-05 35 Mar-06 31 Mar-07 81 Apr-04 135 Apr-05 52 Apr-06 76 Apr- 07 INC Source Month Soldiers Killed Mar-03 65 Apr-03 74 May-03 37 Jun-03 30 Jul-03 48 Aug-03 35 Sep-03 31 Oct-03 44 Nov-03 82 Dec-03 40 Jan-04 47 Feb-04 20 Mar-04 52 Apr-04 135 May-04 80 Jun-04 42 Jul-04 54 Aug-04 66 Sep-04 80 Oct-04 64 Nov-04 137 Dec-04 72 Jan-05 107 Feb-05 58 Mar-05 35 Apr-05 52 May-05 80 Jun-05 78 Jul-05 54 Aug-05 85 Sep-05 49 Oct-05 96 Nov-05 84 Dec-05 68 Jan-06 62 Feb-06 55 Mar-06 31 Apr-06 76 May-06 69 Jun-06 61 Jul-06 43 Aug-06 65 Sep-06 72 Oct-06 106 Nov-06 70 Dec-06 112 Jan-07 83 Feb-07 80 Mar-07 81 Apr-07 35 Incomplete Total 3282 * Source http://icasualties.org/oif/US_chart.aspx Just Click Below To Help Hillary Become Our Next President http://www.myspace.com/171183665
Welcome To Another Bush Recession




Bush Will Stay In Iraq So That He Bush Can Continue To Steal The Iraqi Oil. Bush has stolen over $100 billion worth of Iraqi oil so far and Bush intends to steal at least another $100 billion worth of Iraqi oil during the next 2 years. Bush steals the oil via a secret oil pipeline Bush had built linking the oil fields of Iraq to the Kuwaiti oil pipelines. Bush stashes the stolen oil money cash in Kuwaiti banks. 3665 Dead American Troops In Iraq, 27,104 seriously wounded and over 630,000 dead Iraqis of which 475,000 are innocent women and children all because Bush LIED. Bush And The Republican Party Allowed Big Oil To Price Gouge America. George Bush and Tony Blair have committed the utterly horrible WAR CRIME of Poisoning an entire country. Bush and Blair have by their command spread over 10 million pounds or 4.5 biiion grams of radioactive dust and particles all over Iraq. These radioactive elements will cause birth defects and death to millions of childern for generation after generation. Howard Scott Pearlman * * * Please Repost This Very Important Message All Over The Internet
Skimming Biodiesel Seaweed and vegetable oil off the Ocean will save the fish from dying in a red tide and provide free energy. According to ADM biodiesel can be made from seaweed now. Have you ever been swimming in the ocean in late August in New Jersey? If you have you come out of the ocean covered in a thin film of vegetable oil. Skimming off the oil and seaweed before a red tide starts would save the fish and provide a free source for biodiesel fuels. Howard Scott Pearlman Pearlman For Congress 08-04-2007 * * * Please help spread this message all over the internet Energy solution Associated Press file bilde? http://cmsimg.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde? Clouds cover Mount San Jacinto as windmills turn in Palm Springs, Calif. Courier Post Comment Monday, April 16, 2007 America has wasted $400 billion on the war in Iraq. For the same $400 billion, we could have built 400,000 windmills costing $1 million each. Every windmill would have provided electricity for 300 homes. All of the windmills combined would provide electricty for 120 million homes. Studies in Minnesota have proved that windmills pay for themselves in seven years. This is clean energy that produces no global warming gases. If America wanted to, it could install and produce all 400,000 windmills in five years for a cost of $80 billion a year. America's solution to our energy crisis is blowing in the wind. HOWARD SCOTT PEARLMAN Cherry Hill http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070416/OPINION/704160308/1047 Bush & The Republican Party Allowed Big Oil To Price Gouge America The Proof is In the Pricing. There are 42 gallons in a barrel. It takes a rise in oil of $42 to cause a dollar increase in gasoline. The Price of Oil has risen $10.50 in the last 6 months. This corresponds to a 25 cent increase per gallon. Yet we see a $1.00 rise in the price of gasoline. You see the Republican Party & Bush have allowed the Oil Companies to Price Gouge the American People all along. Demand that The House and The Senate Investigate this price gouging and Impeach Bush and Cheney. Howard Scott Pearlman * * * Please Repost This Very Important Message All Over The Internet
It Is Time For Bush's Homeland Security Chief, Michael Chertoff, To QUIT Michael Chertoff is responsble for allowing all of the Chinese Poisons into America and it is NOW TIME for CHERTOFF to QUIT
Show you Oppose Bush/Cheney Neo-Con Criminals In 2000, Team Bush took over the Republican Party and laid out its promises to the American people. The following promises are taken from the GOP Platform and broken by an administration ruling through fear, deception, war, politicization of intelligence and the Justice Dept., and more. SHARE THIS WITH FRIENDS. Honest Government "Trust, pride, and respect: we pledge to restore these qualities to the way Americans view their government." Keeping Intelligence Free of Politics "Nor should the intelligence community be made the scapegoat for political misjudgments. A Republican administration working with the Congress will respect the needs and quiet sacrifices of these public servants as it strengthens America's intelligence and counter-intelligence capabilities…" Diplomacy and Maintaining Allies "The arrogance, inconsistency, and unreliability of the [Clinton] administration's diplomacy have undermined American alliances, alienated friends, and emboldened our adversaries." Endless Military Missions, Exit Strategies and Troop Readiness "The current administration has casually sent American armed forces on dozens of missions without clear goals, realizable objectives, favorable rules of engagement, or defined exit strategies." [Emphasis added.] "Sending our military on vague, aimless, and endless missions rapidly saps morale. Even the highest morale is eventually undermined by back-to-back deployments, poor pay, shortages of spare parts and equipment, inadequate training, and rapidly declining readiness…" Restoring the Rule of Law and the Justice Department The rule of law, the very foundation for a free society, has been under assault, not only by criminals from the ground up, but also from the top down. An administration that lives by evasion, coverup, stonewalling, and duplicity has given us a totally discredited Department of Justice. [E]specially its criminal prosecutors, who have faced the unprecedented politicization of decisions regarding both personnel and investigations." Gas Prices "Today, gas prices have skyrocketed, and oil imports are at all-time highs....By any reasonable standard, the Department of Energy has utterly failed in its mission...." Buy shirts, buttons, stickers. Click on links and pics or go to cafepress.com/antibush04 We oppose Bush and Cheney because we support America as it was and should be. They attack the Constitution in the name of security. Fight back! Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve (and other places). Impeach the Cheerleader Bush is a cheerleader for bad and fatal policies. Can't Wait Til 1-20-09 Look forward to the end of the Bush/Cheney regime. Dogging Bush Show that what goes around comes around. Cindy Says "George, Stop Lying!" No More Blood For Oil Top Officials, documents reveal this is a war for oil. Impeach Bush! 3 Designs Where's bin Laden? Bush says he's "not that concerned" about bin Laden. Convict Bush Cheney Impeachment isn't enough. Convict these Constitutional criminals.
Put a Cost of The Bush Iraq War Mess on your site - Please Repost < imgsrc="http://www.nationalpriorities.org//mambots/editors/jce/jscripts/tiny_mce/libraries/images/spacer.gif" alt="src:'http://costofwar.com/embed.html'" width="600" height="100" class="" />
The Iraq Bush War Body Count Counter - Please Repost
6z3nt0.gif 6z3o10.gif
Bush Poisoned 1 Million Veterans With Radioactive Waste Over 3640 Dead American Veterans in Iraq Because Bush Lied Over $450 Billion Dollars has been thrown down the toilet in Bush's Iraq Fiasco Mothers don't let your children join the Army, because George Bush has dumped 4.5 Billion grams of Radioactive waste all over Iraq. Yes, American weapons are tipped with Uranium a deadly radioactive poisonous material in defiance of the Geneva Convention. The usage of poisoned bullets and bombs is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention and is a WAR CRIME. 350,000 or almost 3 out of every 5 soldiers that served in the first Bush Iraq War is now out on DISABILITY because of Gulf War syndrome. During that First Gulf War Only one tenth of the poisonous and deadly radioactive Uranium was spread in Iraq as in the Current Bush Iraq War. This Time a Bush has spread 10 times as much destruction. Thanks to George W Bush If you serve in Iraq you will breathe, eat, drink and absorb thru your skin radioactive waste since Uranium Bullets and bombs burn and become a fine dust which is spread everywhere. And Courtesy of George Bush In the next 14 years 3 out of 5 of you will have cancers and other disabilites that will plague you for the rest of your lives. Howard Scott Pearlman http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Recall_Bush Please Help Spread This Message
Put Anti Bush Slide Shows On Your Profile, Group Profile Or Bulletin Boards.........

Put Anti Bush Slide Shows On Your Profile, Group Profile Or Bulletin Boards......... Just put a < symbol before each of the 3 embed paragraphs when you put them on your profile or bulletin.

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