Internet Problems that I must endure on a daily basis.Atleast 10 x's aday I loose my connection.Some of the Problem stems from Verizon giving us the wrong black box modern.They gave us a modern that is basicly for 1 computer.An we are trying to run 4 comps off it.They issued us the westall 6100 which is incorrect.What we need is the westall 327 W,.But acourse they want $80.00 for the device we need.False Advertizeing etc. Bunch of Meatheads at verizon.All the wireless as well with Linskys.My other problem requirements for verizon DSL,is 100 gb harddrive.Unfortunately my handidown piece of junk only has 80 gb's.+ absolutely no memery( Brain Fart ).Staying connected is a big struggle for me.It does wear on my patience at times.Friends with lots of stuff on their pages takes a long time to load + causes me to disconnect.An if I happen to loose connect after a certain Sleep hrs.I'm shutoff till the next day as everything is in the master bdrm.Today is a bit percular day.I ran scans last night after being booted I reran this am at 6.My AVg is not working properly,so I must unistall an reinstall.An acourse everything takes Time away from my CherryTap Addiction.I most likely will be around tonight as I'm not fishing till Sunday this week.