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ShadowSkye's blog: "Inside my mind"

created on 06/09/2007  |  http://fubar.com/inside-my-mind/b90124


i went out to the midnight showing of Harry Potter with my best friend that has been in england for the past 6 months. And just like i thought she wants to move there. i knew she would. I know how she is with english blokes.. i'm the same way. after i go to NY i'm gonna open a savings account and start saving my money so i can go to England and visit her. I miss her so much. Plus i'v always wanted to go to England and that would be my perfect chance to. she was all for it. So plans are going for now... She says English blokes are crazy for american girls... I'm like alright!! lets go!! lol I love english blokes... the accents i drool... its entrancing I love it so much... its so memorizing... i get weak at the knees over it.. so she said that she can introduce me to alot of hot english blokes.. including her boyfriend's friends in the navy... i'm like ohhhhhh not only enlish but a man in uniform as well... whats not to love... I have a feeling that what happened to her will happen to me too... once i go over there i wont want to come back... I mean there really is nothing here for me... nothing holding me here.... nothing here except heartache and tears
Charcters: Cracker from hell Chinese Fighting muffin French Fry from the Twilight Zone Empress Moo Moo Lord Idaho Flying Moo Moo of death Liquid revenge Ideas: "all hail potato" Potato's sacrificing themselves by jumping into a boiling pot of water to make a larger french fry army "do you want a cracker? well do you?" Reason for attack: families are torn apart and eaten water cannon-> juice box interview of a capitve, with light shingin in the face,"we know you helped make the muffins!" "No i didn't!" "then why do you have flour on you?" cracker rebellion Spud Mafia "beware the spud mafia! They will butter you, put you in tin foil... and make you sleep with the fishsticks!!" "Have you seen this spoon?"

Poetry- Games

Why is it? that everytime i look at you I smile I look up and see you staring at me I think to myself does he like me? or is he just playing me for a fool Playing me for a fool is what he's doing playing with my heart like a nothing little toy He doesn't care if he breaks a girl's heart For him its just a game He likes to play He leads girls on leads them on till they love then drops them with no second thought Why is it? that everytime i see him all i want is for him to hold me but i know all he'll do is play games People say get over him people tell me forget him but i can't there's just something about hhim Games are all he plays I should learn Never to fall for the Games

Poetry- You

What's a girl to do? when she's in love into loe so bad that she would do anything for it That special someone to hold to have, to love, to be one with that one person that you would go to the moon and back for that one person that means so much to you that you can't let them go you want to be with person every mintue, or everyday of every month but you don't know what to do to prove what you feel deep down inside

Poetry- Saying goodbye

Growing up togther Seeing each other grow letting each other grow Now here we are saying goodbye possible forever We'll soon turn And go our seprate ways the roads from out pst led us together and now the roads to our future are leading us apart although we say forever we never can predict what might happen We'll go off to college, get married, and have some kids we may never see each other again We will always remember the friendship we had maybe never having another one like it So i write this poem to all my bf's To assure i will never forget

Poetry- Confused

My knees start to shake When you're in sight My mind is filled with wonder My heart with fright When will this feeling stop? When did it start? How can i listen to my mind? Without breaking my heart? I'm so confused What should I do? I can't think of anything Except you Should I ignore you Or just give it time? I can't think straight My heart controls my mind

Poetry- My Kind

Loving Caring Kind three words of many That describe my King He treats me like a queen he treats me as if i am the only one he treats me as if i am a precious diamond I love him with all my heart I lvoe him with all my soul I love him with all that i am He is my king, true and honest He is my king, caring and kind He is my king, my one and only king

Where I'm from

Where i am from it has four seasons almost winter, winter, still winter and construction You make your halloween costume fit over a snow suit Where I am from you measure distance in hours Where i am from You often switch from Heat to A/C in your car, in the same day Grandparents drive 65MPH through during a blizzard without flinching Where i am from People put secruity lights on their homes and garages, but leave both unlocked They think driving is better int he winter because all the potholes are filled up Where i am from Sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel pajamas(lol) there are at least 7 empty cars running in a parking lot at any given time where i am from you would acutally understand these jokes............. Where i am from they define summer as three months of bad sledding Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six pack of Genny and a bucket of Buffalo wings. You think that people from Pennsylvania have an accent Where I am from You believe that "down south" means Maryland You bake with soda and drink pop You define candy on a stick as a sucker and a hopeless individual as a moron Where I am from You know that Buffalo not only exists, but that it isn't far from Hell Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block heavy engines. Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh. Where I am from Your favorite holidays are Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the opening of deer season From May to October there is a festival every weekend celebrating a different fruit, vegetable, or agricultural product You experience spring as three days and a weekend that rains Where I am from You spend winter mumbling about moving to Florida and summer bragging about not being able to find a better place in the world If you spend more money in car washes, than in underwear. If your car ever froze solid and you couldn't open the doors Where I am from If you ever had to say, "No, I am not from the city." You amuse out of state people with winter stories*******(lots of times) You drove through a blizzard at least twice in a winter. If you can say Lake effect and take it seriously Where I am from If you talk about the Mall and have to specify which one. If you think that Buffalo, Rochester or Syracuse are BIG cities. If you still have winter tires in May. Where I am from . If you describe the size of Lake effect snow using both hands. If you describe the size of Real Buffalo Wings using both hands. If you do most of your holiday shopping at Wegman's Where I am from Upstate New York such an odd palce to live

Poetry- My Savoir

darknesss fills my thoughts shadows follow my steps Hell wants my Soul black, deep abyss that is my mind A Black hole is my heart broken in two I see a light so bright someone has lifted my thoughts from the dark Making things clear someone has brought me into the sunlight making the shadows hide away Someone has saved my soul From being forever damned in the fires of Hell Someone has taken back my mind No longer is it a black abyss Someone has mended my heart No longer it beats broken and black
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