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Good Morning? PLEASE!

Okay, admittedly I am not a morning person, hell there are days I am not a morning, afternoon or evening person... But, let me point out a few basic facts about mornings: Natural Disasters: The majority of natural disasters occur in the mornings, the tunguska blast at 7:40 AM on June 30, 1908, Krakatoa on August 27, the volcano entered the final cataclysmic stage of its eruption. Four enormous explosions took place at 5:30 a.m., 6:42 a.m., 8:20 a.m., and 10:02 a.m., the last of which was worst and loudest. Each was accompanied by very large tsunamis believed to have been over 30 meters (100 ft) high in places. The christmas tsunami of 2004, the San Francisco earthquake at 5:12 AM - April 18, 1906 The New Madrid earthquakes of 1811 and 1812.... Not to mention the final major explosion that destroyed Pompeii... All morning events. Also, you are more likely to suffer a major accident in the mornings, as well as strokes, heart attacks. Bad human related events usually happen in the mornings, Pearl Harbor, being fired, being served with divorce papers.... So the question becomes, just how do you know someone is going to have a good morning? The odds are actually against having a good morning. Granted, you have a very good chance of surviving the morning in relatively decent shape, but that is it. One last thing to point out, the ladies are all to aware of..... MORNING SICKNESS....

what the future holds

1) Putan was a KGB hardliner before the fall of the soviet union. 2) China is not trying to poison us, they have too much to lose in economic trade if they did. 3) Turkey would not last a week if they even considered a war with us. 4) Who cares if Iran gets the bomb, they will target Israel, which will retaliate with their nukes, catching our troops in Iran in the Fallout clouds, and of course the people of Iraq will also be irradiated. 5)The attack on Israel will give Bush the reason to fire nukes at Iran. 6) Putan will attempt to use the nukes left over from the Soviet days, which are most likely going to explode in the silos, please remember, Russia has not had the money to spare to keep up their nuclear weapons, nuclear subs, or nuclear navy..... In other words, Russia will blow itself up. 7) If, one of the Soviet nukes actually launches, they probably havent updated the targeting on them, so they will be aiming at offutt, cheyenne mountain, and even when the Soviets had the things maintained, the admitted that their guidance systems were not the best, so figure at least one or two MIRV's falling short AND since the soviets liked ground bursts, SHOULD one fall short and land in... say, Yellowstone, the resulting seismic shock wave would most likely destabilize the magma chamber under it, triggering a super eruption, i.e. VI8+ 8) Now, should all these little things happen, please remember, that if you live outside an urban area that is not a major railroad, industrial, economic or military target, you really have nothing to worry about. everyone switched to clean weapons in the 70's, well those with well established weapon programs anyway, so Russian weapon immediately lethal fallout will be limited to within 50 miles of ground zero, with levels dropping expotentially every 10 miles after that, so about 75-80 miles out, you will be safe. 9) The resulting economic chaos of this will pretty much cause civilization to collapse and the world to run headlong back into the dark ages. 10) 400 years from now, humans will begin to climb the technology ladder again and hopefully be a lot smarter (but I doubt it, humans are a stupid species.) I say 400 years because the first hundred to two hundred years will be basic hand to mouth survival. During which time a tribal or clan civilization structure will re-emerge. The next hundred years will be your basic relearning all the science and math that we lost. The final hundred years will basically be the industrial revolution all over again, with a twist. Finally, mankind rises from the ashes like a phoenix and promptly begins setting up the same stupid situation that damn near blew em out of existence. Now, please understand that we are probably a popular sitcom on some alien video based entertainment system, you know, something like "america's funniest videos" or "Outrageous Moments, " and there is a betting pool going on trying to pick the year, week and day we blow ourselves to kingdom come. Unfortunately, I have not yet discovered how to get in on the action, and they probably wouldnt let me bet anyway since I would have insider information.

Im sorry

Im sorry that I forget I am sorry that I cant read your mind I am sorry that I dont live up to your expectations I am sorry that I dont live up to your standards I am sorry that I cant seem to do things right
Alright, now far be it from me to judge anyone, BUT, there are just somethings you do not do. 1) You do not wrap yourself in a fence wire cage and lay next to a deer carcass to get pictures of a wolf eating a deer. 2) You do not get inside a crocodile suit/cage and sneak up close to 20 foot Nile crocs. 3) If you know that great white sharks cannot tell the difference between a surfer on a short board and a seal, you dont surf. 4) If you know that apex predators hunt in a particular area, you do not go jogging in that area. 5) You do not dive off a cliff into ocean water when if the waves are out, the water is too shallow. 6) Finally, you do NOT get into a 20 gauge wire mesh cage and dive with great white sharks. There are obvious solutions to all of the above behaviors, but do people actually try to avoid these situations? NO! Lets start with item one. First off, your average wolf can readily compress fence wire to the point that he or she can get their sharp teeth at your flesh. Secondly, with all the new tech night cameras, why would you even want to be out there with them? Item Two. Considering that the 'croc suit' is basically designed to cover one's back, should a croc manage to flip it, you just became dinner on the half shell. I brought this one up because of some nut on national geographic who did this. Clearly he is two cards shy of a full deck, and the 50 he does have are all jokers. Item Three. While sharks have great eyesight, the optical illusion caused by a surfer on a short board that resembles a fat seal is just too good to pass up. Now, looking back to the days of the long boards, and checking the shark attack history, I noticed a significant difference in numbers, i.e. long boarders not being attacked as often. Probably because when you take the length of the board, and the position one uses to paddle out, you actually resemble another shark from below. So, go back to long boards guys and gals. Item 4. Once again a person was attacked by an animal while jogging in a semi wilderness area. Let me see if I can explain this simply. A) Animals like woods and brush, and the animals that hunt other animals like the woods and brush. B) If you jog in area where animals like to live, you really going to get the attention of an animal that you really dont want to meet. C) If you get the attention of this unwanted animal, you are going to be MEAT on the table, or trail. You would not go jogging in a high crime area would you? Item 5. What more needs to be said, if they aint enough water to high dive unless the waves are crashing into the rocks, dont do it. Item 6. Alright people, it has clearly been demonstrated that an average sized great white can pretty much destroy whatever it wants to. These shark cages consisting of aluminum frames with 20 gauge wire sides are not going to protect you. They will however keep you right where the shark wants you should he or she decide to try human. Now, if you gonna have a shark cage, build the bloody thing out of hot roll steel rods. granted it will be heavy, but it is better to be in something that could handle the impact of a car while dealing with large fish with very sharp teeth. You know, if the human species is supposed to be the superior species on the planet, why are we so damn dumb when it comes to some things? Swimming with sharks etc. Oh, I forgot... There are still people who are into the hunting bear with single shot target pistols.... The developed repeating rifles for a reason... so the bear dont get you.

I was thinkin....

Yeah, I know, that can be dangerous. But, in all honesty, have you ever really sat down and just thought about all the stuff that the modern world has made "important." Cell Phones, computers, Ipods, PDA's, microwave ovens, tv, dvd, or grocery stores, cars, etc. When you get right down to the basics, modern humans, for the most part would be thoroughly screwed if all that technology ceased to work? How about if suddenly, there were no more deliveries to the grocery stores? Hospitals were no longer able to give critical care? And what would you do when the modern medicines ran out? just a few thoughts.....
Set out for Jibad in the name of Allah and for the sake of Allah. Do not lay hands on the old verging on death, on women, children and babes. Do not steal anything from the booty and collect together all that falls to your lot in the battlefield and do good, for Allah loves the virtuous and the pious. The above is from the Q'uran, the holy book of the Muslim peoples. Notice that it clearly states that women, children and the old are to be left alone in combat? In fact all non-combatants are to spared and not harmed, this means that every man who is not in the military is NOT a target. I say that in opening to show that Islam does not preach the death of all non-Muslims. In fact, the Q'uran states that all the children of the book will go to heaven, the children of the book being Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Bet you didn't know that, did you. So why did Muslim Extremists target the United States on 9/11/01 and all the incidents prior to that? Simple history. At the end of World War One, it was decided to partition the Ottoman Empire into various countries, completely destroying the only nation that spoke for Muslim interests. France was given control of Syria and Lebanon, The United Kingdom power over Palestine and Iraq, (Palestine consisted of two entities, Palestine and Transjordan.) Parts of the Ottoman Empire on the Arabian Peninsula became Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In other words, the western powers destroyed a Muslim government that had existed since 1299! Effectively destroying a cultural identity, a central government, even a venue for the mediation of problems between various Muslim groups and people. In 1948, the UN created Israel, without regard to the Palestinian people living in the region, or the impact it would have on the region as a whole. Since 1948, the west has continually supported Israel no matter what actions it did, which forced the Arab Nations to turn to the soviet union, and give rise to the Palestinian and Muslim extremists. To make matters worse, the US had a policy of supporting Arab governments while it benefited the US, then pulling out when the benefit disappeared. We did this in Iraq during its war with Iran, and with the Afghani rebels fighting the Soviet invasion forces. Why has the western world been targeted by terrorists? Because, unfortunately, the western countries have created so many of the reasons for the sectarian violence in the region, and they sit back and do little about it. It does not help when the US does not condemn Israel for actions that are clearly unwarranted or in direct violation of international law. Why were we the target on 9/11? The real question is, why did it take so long for it to happen? The 9/11 attack could have been prevented had the United States taken a lead in working to truly create a lasting peace in the middle east involving all the middle eastern people. Had the effort been made, there would not have been any justification for any attacks. The attacks have been condemned by mainstream Arab and Muslim leaders, but lets face reality, it is the fundamentalist that will get the attention. It does not take much to take a situation and turn it into a reason for bloodshed, the LA riots, and the riots of the sixties bear witness to that. It does take an effort on the part of the human race to stand up and say in one voice, this must stop. Both sides of this conflict kill in the name of god, but, in truth, is that what God tells us to do? Go out and kill people? Think about it, when you ask the question, why.
My old, worn out full size bed is gone, in its place is a new queen size elevated airmattress that I can adjust the firmness on.... can anyone say one step down from concrete? Now, this was purchased by my sis's fiance type critter person, primarily for my back, however, the dogs seem to think they were the reason for the purchase. We (all the human type people critters)figured that a queen size would be more than enough room for me, and the dogs..... HA! actually a DOUBLE HA with a DAMN thrown in. Instead of curling up in nice little spaces like they did on the smaller bed, they now spread out and seemingly increase their surface area dramatically, if not to the infinite degree. I have accused Shadow, my pit/lab cross of disobeying the laws of physics, he cocks his head to one side, pitches his ears forward and gives me this innocent look that gives me the impression he is trying to say, "I never studied law OR physics."
I was talking to an old friend on the phone tonight, he was filling me in on the old gang from our wilder, younger, and VERY STUPID days of our mispent youth. For the most part, everyone seemed to straighten up and are doing well. Of course there were a few suprises, like the fact that one person has become a baptist preacher. What makes this so funny is that this guy would go to any length to avoid church. One of the girls we ran with took the vows to become a nun. One guy died in Desert Storm, aka the first gulf war. One is in military prison for life, at Fort Leavenworth KS. From what I gathered he snapped while in the navy and tried to strangle a chief petty officer. Personally, considering the fact he was one of the gang that had one of the shortest tempers I have ever seen, it dont really suprise me much. A couple, like my friend got married, settled down and turned into respectable members of society. The one that has really shocked me was Tracy. This was the girl that didnt take crap from no body. You want to know what the shocker is? She married an abusive SOB who has managed to break most of the bones in her body and she keeps going back to the idiot. This is the girl that broke my nose when I made a pass at her once. (hey, I was drunk, she was drunk, and well....) I am at a loss as to why she puts up with this guy. She joined the army when I did, served two four year terms as an MP. Now I really want to know what happened to her.
You know, mankind has brought about so many wonders of science throughout history. First it was the club, then the flint knife, followed by the bronze sword, followed by the iron sword followed by the steel sword. The spear gave way to the bow, which gave way to the cross bow which was followed by the matchlock, then the flintlock, then the cap and ball, then the cartridge weapon, after that came the machine guns... hand throwing stones gave way to siege engines, catapults etc. which were followed with cannons. Then in this century, humans came up with all kinds of new ways to kill people, poison gas, land mines, nukes, high yeild explosives, smart bombs etc. Now, have you ever wondered just what humans are thinking? With the total money spent by every nation on military arms in the twentieth century, mankind could have ended hunger and poverty, made advances in health research and other great things. In fact, if the every dollar that was spent on the Vietnam war had been used by NASA, everything portrayed in the movie 2001 a space odyssy would have been built and in use by the 1980's. We would have permanate space stations, a working base on the moon, that was self supporting, mining colonies in the asteroid belt, a beginning colony on Mars by now. Fossil fuels would have been abandoned as the more efficient fuel cells developed for NASA became cost effective for everyone on the planet. And today, humans would be preparing for the next big step in exploration, finding a way to travel between the stars, and we would have be getting ready to send probes to find new worlds. Polution would be a thing for history books, the only major diseases that would be around would be those that have followed humans throughout history, the degenerative diseases, like arthritis etc. But clearly, as a race, our priorities lie in finding ways to destroy each other. When it is all said and done, there wont be enough people left to fill up a baseball stadium. Humans will fall onto the trash heap of the universe, and if there are any intelligent beings out there, when they show up here and find what is left, they wont be impressed.

Memorial Day

Funny thing, really, when you think about it, a day to honor all those who died in defence of this country. The funny thing is, that in most cases, people today have no clue as to where, when or why these people died. Ask a twenty something about Vietnam, and they are likely as not tell you they dont know. The same is true for the Korean war. World war two is a little better known, but still many have no clue as to why we were even involved. The sad fact is that except for Memorial Day, these fallen men and women are forgotten. The battles they fought are just names on a map somewhere that people had to know in order to pass High School history. You mention Omaha Beach or Normandy, and people look at you funny. Talk about Midway and people think you are talking about the state fair or something. Oh people remember 9/11, but forget about Pearl Harbor. The thing about it, is that having seen combat myself, I kind of get real mad when these people protest about the war, not because I think we should be over there, but because they really have no clue as to what it means to be on the sharp end. Criticize the soldiers and you can really get me mad. It wasnt the military that sent the men into harm's way, it was the politicians. One politician, G. W. Bush, President. He basically sent our military into a country that had no connection to Bin Laden and was no threat to anyone. 3,435 Americans died because the republican party screwed the pooch. If the Iraqi military was such a powerful threat, it would have taken a lot longer than 20 days to get from the Saudi and Kuwaiti border to Baghdad. It was not the fact our troops were better, it was the fact that after years of trade sanctions, the fact the Iraqi army could never really rebuild after losing 60% of its military hardware in the first gulf war, there was nothing left to fight with. Some military threat there. Now, Afghanistan on the other hand had confirmed Terrorist training camps, openly protected Bin Laden, and was fully a threat to the US, in the fact it supported the terrorists. Now, Iraq has become just what MOST of the military commanders told president bush it would become, a guerilla war that is going to make Vietnam look like a bar room brawl. You see, in Vietnam, the NVA and VC did not have this idology of dieing for god or Ho Chi Min, they believed as Patton did, make the other poor son of a bitch die for his country. In Iraq, a suicide bomber believes they go straight to paradise. Makes for a lot of funatics to deal with. You cannot beat an enemy that believes in that philosophy. It is useless to even try. I support our troops, but I cannot support the decision that put them in Iraq. I feel we should make a big effort to rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure as fast as possible then get out. If the guerilla fighters have a chance to see that we are doing exactly what we said we were going to do, and if we could involve the rest of the Muslim countries in the process, we could be out of Iraq in just over two years, with a major drop in causalties.
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