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49 Year Old · Male · From Fredericksburg, VA · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Born on October 27th · 5 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
49 Year Old · Male · From Fredericksburg, VA · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Born on October 27th · 5 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!


Lord there are some stupid people here. Rude and creepy and they don't even know it. I'm instating rules. Follow them or be sent to the dunce corner.

1. Don’t comment that you’ve rated me a 10 and would I be so kind as to return the favor. The bar tab will let me know you’ve been here. One click on a cherry and a pasted message into my comment box does not mean I owe you shit. Point hogs piss me off. I try to return all love given, don't get pushy.

2. No chain mail. I can deal with it if it’s cute but I consider it spam and won’t sent it back. If it threatens death or loneliness for breaking the chain I will delete it and kill a puppy. If you love puppies you won’t do it.

3. Under 25? Know that others in your age bracket keep trying to prove that they are vacuous airheads and I will assume the same of you until shown otherwise. I am a strict grader of personality.

4. I usually don’t send friend requests because this place has a 2:1 stalker:normal ratio. I don’t stalk. Feel free to add me as long as you agree with the rest of my rant.

5. Do not add me if you are going to ask me to buy you a blast or VIP. I don’t buy things for you and I don’t give a shit about your NSFW pics. I don’t wank to ‘em so they don’t do me a bit of good. Do not get me wrong; I have some of the most beautiful friends on Fubar and they have amazing bodies but nothing compares with the beauty in the mind.

6. Fucking honesty is my strong suit. I won’t change my opinion to match yours, but I’m not going to beat you down for disagreeing either. I hate liberal socialist politics. I hate moral majority politics. But I’ll never call you stupid for your beliefs. Return the favor please.

7. Do not add me unless you find me somewhat interesting and plan on talking to me. Put something in the request that lets me know what you think we have in common, even if its so I’ll be notified whenever you publish another socialist blog and you want to convert me.

8. I won’t add you if you don’t have a picture of yourself. This isn’t a zero tolerance rule like the whore-yourself-for-useless-status-symbols rule. I added someone the other day that had no photos of herself but had blogs that impressed the hell out of me. So, no photos, no impressive writing talents, no add.

9. I understand some techno-geek, not all. If IDK WTF UR talking about then it really defeats the purpose of writing. Also, you get extra cool points if you capitalize and use punctuation. ALL CAPS ARE BAD. no caps are bad. Techno-geek is bad. The shoutbox is the exception, though I still don’t know what FTTB is.

10. I don’t care about your physical attributes, but if you are five foot nothing and 300 pounds, don’t expect me to spend a lot of time in your picture folders. Debating on your blogs, maybe.

11. Most of the html comment sites are spyware ridden and run by corrupt fucksticks. My firewall doesn’t allow a lot of them to display on my computer. I don’t mind getting them, just keep in mind I might not be able to see it. Typing out a comment is the best way to get my attention and show you care anyhow. UPDATE: Moving pictures will not move on my screen. I am OK with this.

12. I’ve never comment bombed for a contest and don’t plan on it anytime soon. I’m here for the conversation (and the bewbies are nice too) not for points. If the only time you talk to me is to ask me to help you in a contest I’ll delete you.

13. I have NO cock shots in my profile. My 'Interests' album has sexual images but I believe they are tasteful, not trashy. Nudity without pornography.

14. Don’t ask me if I killed anyone in Iraq. Its irritating and immature. Ask yourself what do you think soldiers do over there? More importantly, why do you want a body count? Would you respect me more if it was over 10? Would you call me a baby-killer if it was even 1? I love anti-war people, I think the doves are absolutely necessary to make sure the hawks have good and clear reasons for their actions, but hating a soldier for a war is asinine. And if you think having a high kill count makes someone cool I’d rather you just move on.

49 Year Old · Male · From Fredericksburg, VA · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Born on October 27th · 5 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
I have many interests and almost all are NSFW. But ask and I'll tell...

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