Below is a letter that my mother sent out to all of her friends and family. I will support my mother and sister in thier efforts to raise the money in donations for a cure for breast cancer. As it is told below from my mom, I have an Aunt that is a survivor of breast cancer. What my mom didn't tell you is that she had another sister that died of cancer. My mother and my sister are walking 60 miles in 3 days to help find a cure that will keep our loved ones around for thier next birthday, or holiday, or just another day to spend time with them.
In February, Theresa and I signed up , and started a Team to walk in the Michigan 3-Day for Breast Cancer. Since then, I have been trying to compose a touching letter to send out to my family and friends asking them to donate to help us reach our goal of $2,200 each. I can't tell you about a friend that is battling breast cancer. I can't describe to you how a neighbor with small children lost her fight with breast cancer. I can't tell you a sad tale of how my mother or grandmother died too early in life because of breast cancer. What I can tell you is that I have a sister, and that Theresa and Cristin have an aunt who just recently celebrated her seventh year as a survivor. We have her with us to celebrate more birthdays. We have her with us to celebrate more holidays. We have her with us to laugh, to play games with, to share pictures of our families with, and sometimes even to cry with. All of this and more, because others have walked before us. Because the money that they raised has helped to not only search for a cure, but to find more effective ways to detect and treat breast cancer. I will walk this year in Michigan for my sister Ginny. I will walk in thanks for all those who have walked in cities all over the United States in previous 3-Days. I will walk for you. For my other sisters and brothers. For everyone's sister, and brother, and children, and grandchildren. Will you help us? Please go to www.The 3Day.org select our 3-Day location, which is Michigan and look for our web pages. Our team name is Seven Sisters. My supporter ID number is 165435322. Theresa's supporter ID number is 167314326. Any amount that you can donate will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Kat
I am asking that you please donate any amount, it doesn't matter how much any little bit will help to find a cure so that my sister, my daughter, my nieces, your daughter, your sister, your nieces, your moms,and your wives won't have to go a day wondering if there is anything more that could have been done. We need a cure, it has already taken so many loved ones away from us. Let's fight this battle back and win.
Thank you and Love to all, Crissy (Cristin)